Chapter 18

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[Warning: Violence and a little gore ahead!]

"Ming xue." Ruo lan gently called out then knocked three times.

"Come in." Ming xue answered.

Ruo lan carefully pushed open the door and saw Ming xue sitting on his bed. Ming xue gestured for him to take a seat and sat at the chair not far on the bed side.

Ruo lan, "Ming-xiong, I— I'm sorry."_ he said with his head down.

"I should be the one who's sorry." Ming xue said lopking at Ruo lan's guilty expression.

Ruo lan immediately raised his head, however he didn't speak and let Ming xue continue.

"You beat me this time. Ask me anything you want." Ming xue said with his usual tone and indifferent face, however he was secretly clenching his fist.

"Well then. Ming-xiong, what exactly happened that time?" 

Although Ruo lan already moved from it, he knew that Ming xue was still trappes in it. The question he asked might even reopen the wounds and bring pain once again but no one could move on from the past if they don't face the pain.

"Do you really want to know?" Ming xue asked. Ruo Lan just nodded.

Why?" Ming xue replied with a low voice. He just couldn't ask why Ruo lan would do so much just to sqeeze out the truth from him.

"Because you're my important brother! I want to know your burdens." Ruo Lan seriously responded. Ming xue looked at his eyes to see his sincerity. Ruo Lan also stared at him as if telling Ming xue to trust him.

Ming xue, "I've been hiding this for so long. But I also knew that I couldn't hide it forever."

And thus the story began.

5 years ago, at peach town. Ruo Lan and Ming xue was happily walking side by side. Excited to see their families once again.

"See you around!" Ruo Lan bidded his good bye to ming xue and went to the other path. Ming Xue waved at him also went to his home.

Along the way, he noticed that some establishments are newly built but some are still there like the cheap noddle house they always visit when he was still living with his foster parents.

Seeing the noodle shop, he can't wait wait to see them and give them the allowance that he saved up when he was training.

However, when he arrived he didn't saw their house. It was instead a big restaurant, with many people going in and out.

The clerk saw him standing outside and invited him in to try their dishes but Ming xue refused and asked, "This—I'm finding the old house where two elderly are dwelling."

The clerk rubbed his chin and thought carefully, "Ohh, I've heard that they died 3 years ago."

Ming xue frozed at what he heard then stuttered as he asked, "A-are you sure?"

The clerk nodded, "Are you related to them?"

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