Chapter 11

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The pairing and match went on for about an hour when Xiao Bai was finally called out.

The male teacher announced that Xiao Bai and someone named Guan DingWu are to participate in the assessment of martial arts.

Xiao Bai calmly nodded, and Ming Xue wished him a good luck.

Xiao Bai was the first one to arrive at the center, he calmly looked around a good minute and saw a fine young man walk towards him. He was a head taller than Xiao Bai and also a lot more muscular however he didn't have the aura that Xiao Bai have.

Xiao Bai temperament is like a calm before the storm.

He playfully mocked Xiao Bai while checking him up and down then said, "Its a little unfair, don't you think so? I mean, I clearly looked more powerful than you."

Xiao bai smile twitched at the other's mocking, "Yeah. However there's no need to hold back, what face would you have if you will be defeated by just a feeble looking me?

Guan DingWu also couldn't keep his cool anymore, "Hey, how about we make a bet?"

Xiao Bai, "Mnn. What kind of bet do you want?"

Guan DingWu, "How about the loser have to serve the winner for the whole school year?"

Xiao bai immediately weigh the pros and cons, he hesitated for a while since he promised not make any scene, for now, however the guy seems to be a pain in the ass.

But he also just actually seems to be a little too playful, proud and naive, he may have some use in the future. "Okay, deal."

The student union committee member who was overlooking the event told them to be on their marks and "Go!"

Xiao bai didn't immediately attacked but waited for Guan DingWu. They sized each other for a few seconds before Guan DingWu attacked him at full speed.

The crowd who was watching them felt that this fight is one-sided and isn't a match at all, and got bored watching the other events instead.

Xiao bai's brows knitted. Too slow!

He just turned slightly to side and evaded all the assault, Guan DingWu launched his fists one by one and Xiao Bai was just swaying sideways.

His hair and robes flutter and swayed with him in every movement, the spectators all thought that Xiao Bai is not on a match but was dancing gracefully.

The crowd who thought that it was one-sided was now staring at the graceful movements of someone clad in white.

Guan DingWu, realizing that he could easily dodge his punches, changed his plan and attacked him with his kickes, which xiao bai also dodged perfectly.

"Hey. You're not even bothering to attack me. Is dodging all you know?" he said in between his pants.

Xiao Bai, "If I attack you now, the fight will end as soon as it started, it was just about 3 minutes."

Guan DingWu was enraged and attacked more forcefully.

Just as he thought this Guan DingWu is like a child, just a little provoking and he'll throw a tantrum around. Good, this kind of person is easy to win, just a little coaxing and pampering could gain his trust.

Xiao bai praised himself and smiled victoriously, then with a fast reflex, he stepped back and positioned his fist, concentrating a powerful force into his stance.

He looked towards his opponent with a charming smirk.

Guan DingWu, as a born warrior didn't chose to retreat but stepped forward instead, however before he could recover Xiao bai's fist was already in front of his very eyes, the impact was strong that it created a breeze, making Guan DingWu's hair sway.

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