Chapter 31

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[Additional note: To those who haven't listened to 'WuJi' yet, I've put the song in there so you are free to check it out😉😊..]

Just half an hour and the show starts. The people are starting to pour in every minute, the venue also starts to get noisier every passing time, filling in all the platforms and seats.

The venue they we're performing is an open space. It was located just a few distance away from the student union's office so the venue is in the lotus pond area where a vast pond of lotuses are in sight.

This venue was called the mini-theater since the theater was originally indoor at the main building, this mini-theater was built by the past committees so they could enjoy performances outdoor. And which is also a perfect spot.

Xiao Bai and everyone are already done with all the preparations needed.

"Everyone, are you all ready?!" Zhineng clapped his hands and shouted at everyone.

"Yes!" They answeres in unison.

"Good! Besides the students, many important figures are also here to pass the time. Whether it's for fun or official business we should give them all the best we can." Zhineng said.

Xiao Bai raised his hand, "Isn't this just a normal announcement and fund raising? Why are there suddenly important figures attending?"

Although Xiao Bai is quite confident with their performance, he just see the reason why would some bug shits attend an informal school activity like this.

Before zhineng could explain, Yang Lianhua beat him to it, "Ah maybe because you only started this year so you probably don't know. Yang Gui academy is a famous and top-class academy. Not only does it excel in political literature and practical exercises, we also excel in music and arts. So even though mini events like this could pick interest from big shots."

Although it seem unreasonable but Xiao Bai could still see the point and sense in it so he just nodded and kept silent. Still though, Yang Gui is also such a big shot. Maybe because he was very naive of everything in this world so he didn't have any idea just how this academy is a big deal.

Zhineng, "Anyway, let's all give them a show!"

And everyone cheered in agreement.

In total their will be about 7 performances tonight. Naming xiao bai and xuwei's act to be the finale then after that they will have their membership be announced and take the last bow then end the night.

7 performances seems to be short but in fact it was long, especially if the other performances contains plays.

After 30 minutes have passed, President Zhou went in center of the venue and stood infront of all the audiences. He made some simple greetings, introductions and formalities before he officially started the activity.

The first act was ming xue and Ruo lan. They chose to perform a sword dance, which is of course not the typical one, this sword dance was passes to them when they were still under apprenticeship. Wearing a matching red robes and long swords, they were looking very fierce but graceful.

Every move they made was with the rhythm of the drums and it made the heart pound with the beat as well. Then in the middle of their act 10 masked people in black robes appeared from behind and jumped to the stage and joined them.

It was a part of the act. They fought the "intruders" but their movements still remained elegant, the music also intensified making everyone hold their breathes.

The music reached the climax, they finally defeated the enemies and bowed to the audience. They all let out a loud applause, mingxue and Ruo Lan slowly left the stage and went to the back.

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