Chapter 4

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After an hour of debating this and that, they decided to capture the Empress' brother, The General Zhao FengSheng.


The emperial guards immediately set off to the frontlines but the person they we're looking for was nowhere insight thus with no avail came back to the palace and reported.


This disappearance caused the said intel to be true in other people's eyes but the general being missing in action was a trouble for Li Shun.


What if he reunited with his sister and let her escape? Doesn't that mean that she would be expose?


Weighing the pros and cons, Li Shun pretended to be very tired from all the commotion and excused herself from the crowd.


Seeing her stressed face, the people casted her a symphatizing look and let her leave.


When Li Shun nearly reached her room, she took a u-turn silently and headed to the underground dungeon with two guards on her side.


Li Shun entered the dark and cold dungeon. Without further a do she hasten her steps and arrived at LuXuan's cell.


She looked down at the pitiful former empress lying in the cold floor while hugging her child. Confirming that she was still there and there was no signs of FengSheng, she left and warned her personal subordinates to be more alert.


Li shun stamped her feer and said gritting her teeth, "The problem now was that slippery general. Grr."


About 10 minutes after Li Shun left, the guards guarding the dungeon all collapsed one by one. Two silhouettes stealthily move inside, making sure no one would see them.


"LuXuan...LuXuan...", a soft and manly voice called in a low volume.


LuXuan woke up and find his brother outside her cell and hope lighted in her heart as her eyes began to swell up, " Brother."


FengSheng forcedly opened the cell and hugged his sister, "It's all gonna be okay. Brother already know what happened. First we need to get you out of here."


LuXuan stood up, holding her child in her arms, but she staggered and almost fell. Good thing that FengSheng caught her, and prevented the baby from falling.


After helping LuXuan to stand up, he called the other person who was with him to help carry to young child, "Xiao Ling, please carry my little nephew."


The other person named Xiao Ling extended her arms and carried the asleep child as they walk out of the dungeon.


FengSheng supported LuXuan as they walk while also putting his guard up for any possible threat, "I heard Xiao Ling is your close servant."


LuXuan, "Yes, she is already like a sister to me."


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