Chapter 38

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Thus, the first day of competition ended.
Everyone from Yang Gui Academy are currently all seated at the living room for todays meeting to be led by, of course, Zhou Zhening. This was to discuss the current updates of the competition, the overall ranking, as well as countermeasures that needs to be taken in order to get that championship in the bag.

With President Zhou, the president of the council, along with Senior Zhang, the president of Academics, presiding, the meeting started.

President Zhou, " First, we will update everyone of our standing so far. Today, we finished 4 competitions. Archery, painting and poem making, calligraphy and music. We got the gold place in painting and poem making, a bronze in calligraphy, a silver in music, and also a silver in archery. So we have 1 gold, 2 silvers, and 1 bronze. Our rival, Yin Hui, won the gold in music, silver in archery, calligraphy, and painting-poem making. So that gets them a little ahead of us. We can outdo them, if we secure at least 2-3 golds. The events tomorrow are martial arts, swordplay, football, and horseback riding-racing. All participants in the said events please stand up!"

Everyone playing tomorrow stood up then Senior Zhang eyed them one by one, "Are you all confident that you'll all win tomorrow?!"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison, boosting their spirit and morale.

The next morning soon came, everyone was very excited, not just them but all the other schools. Since the events today are more on the very thrilling ones, thus the anticipation are higher than yesterdays.

Mingxue was the first one to get out of the room since Xiao Bai was still prepping himself for todays competition. However, as soon as he walked through the door, the other door on their side opened at that very same time.

Two people stared at each other before Ruo Lan slammed the door close again. Mingxue was about to reach out, or rather, call out to the other but he was too late and was met with the shutting door on his face. Mingxue couldn't do anything but sigh and leave in defeat.

"You sure that's the right thing to do?" Ruo Lan who was surprised by that sudden encounter was surprised by the sudden comment.

He looked at Xuwei who had his arms crossed while looking amused at him then answered, "Don't know."

Xuwei looked at his aide's bothered expression then clicked his tongue, *tsk tsk*, while shaking his head. He walked towards Ruo Lan, pat his shoulder then said, "Well, good luck with that." then passed by Ruo Lan then went of the door.

He didn't know but Xuwei felt as if he was seeing his younger brother have a quarrel with their lover and made him realize that teasing Ruo Lan was so fun.


And thus the competition begins. The events for today are the more physical ones like the swordplay, wrestling, horseback racing/riding, and football. And almost all of the gang will be up, so when the bell rang signifying the start of the second day of the camp, they all wished their good lucks to each other and went on their ways.

In regards to Zhang Gui's, the president of academic, choice of players, then everyone can say that YangGui really didn't hold back at all. With Xiao Bai, Xuwei, Liu Gang (president of disciplinary), and Gu Yicheng for the swordplay event. With senior Cheng and senior Du, who are both under the disciplinary committee, for the martial arts tournament. Guan Dingwu and the council's treasurer Xie for horseback racing and riding. And finally the well-known football club of the YangGui academy who was believed to be led by master players. With this line ups, the audiences, even the enemy teams, are expecting a good show.

In the [Thousand Dancing Blades] hall where the swordplay tournament will take place, there is currently a huge build up of crowd who wants to spectate such amazing line up of competitors to show their most beautiful yet skillful style of sword fighting. But what caused the additional uproar was that the YangGui's twin star champions are joining in one event. Being the reason why the old-fashioned YangGui academy broke their old rules and crowned two champions became a talk even to the other schools, also the fact that their rival school, Yin Hai's competitors are also some big names, one being the council's president and their campus princess who was surnamed Yu, although he's a male.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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