Chapter 13

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Earlier the next day.

As expected Ming Xue and Xiao Bai woke up early it's the first day of school and Xiao Bai felt excited. After quitting school when he ran away he almost forgot what it feels likes.

Ming xue, Xiao bai, and uncle Nan set off...

Uncle Nan stopped the carriage in front of the academy. Ming xue got out first and helped Xiao Bai down.

Uncle Nan bowed to them, "Have a nice day, young master. I'll send Fan-er later to bring your lunches."

Upon entering the gates they spotted a board and many students are crowding around it. They went to it and saw that it was a list of students what class they are in.

They took a look and searched for their names. They couldn't search it at first. Well, they couldn't cause their are looking at the normal classes.

"Can't find your names?", a voice said, the voice came from Xiao bai's side. So turned and looked at him.

"You. You're Guan Dingwu right?", Xiao bai exclaimed. Dingwu nodded. Then Xiao Bai remembered what Guan Dingwu asked him.

Xiao bai,"Yes, we seem to have troubles finding our names."

Dingwu, "It's because you're looking at the normal classes. Try looking at the special class."

Xiao bai, "Special class?"

Before Guan Dingwu could explain Ming Xue's voice sounded, "Xiao bai, I found it."

Still with his nonchalant voice and happen to be pointing at the very top of the board where a special looking paper was pinned and it also has the official seal of the academy.

Xiao bai paced towards where Ming xue is and  inspected the paper and he indeed saw his and Ming xue's name.

Dingwu walked towards them and smiled, "Then it looks like we'll be in the same class."

Xiao bai, "You too?

Dingwu, "There's my name." He pointed.

Xiao bai, "So that's how you write your name?[1] "

Dingwu, "Mn. The characters of your name is quite accurate as well." He then laughed.[2]

Ming Xue, "By the way, Guan Dingwu, right? Do you know where's the way towards the room?"

Dingwu, " Well I don't as well.  Should we go and get a copy school's map?"

Xiao bai, " They have one?"

Dingwu, "Yes, let's go."

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