Chapter 10

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Finally the day of the entrance exam has arrived!

A few days ago, steward Nan RuZui passed a letter with Yang Hui's official seal to Xiao Bai. The letter stated that in 3 days the Yang Gui will hold their entrance exam and all aspiring students are expected to be in the academy before 10:00 in the morning.

The exam will have two parts, the morning exam will be about literary and politics while the afternoon exam will include martial arts. The results in these two exams will determine the student's capacity and ranking.

Xiao bai and ming xue woke up early, not daring to be late and humiliate themselves. Xiao Bai was currently in his room fixing his look. He picked an overall white outfit from his wardrobe and a white jade hairpin to tie his hair.

Confirming one last time that he was presentable he walked out and headed towards the living room where their breakfast was served.

"Good morning, Young master." Ming xue greeted him. It turns out that ming xue is already waiting for him at the table to start breakfast. Xiao Bai fastened his steps and sat down opposite towards ming xue.

Ming xue was quite a looker today. With his hair tide up properly, his facial features opened up more and anyone could see his enchanting eyes, slanted eyebrows, pointed nose and thin lips.

He wore a pure black robe, a contrast to Xiao bai's white garments. The black outfit made ming xue's aura more manly and cold.

Xiao bai couldn't help but stole some glances towards ming xue while having their breakfast. Ming xue was also very conscious about it and asked, "Young Master, is something wrong?"

Xiao bai said, " No. Nothing. I just thought that you really should keep being like this. I'm sure countless women would flock around you for whole year." Then followed it with a laugh.

Unexpectedly ming xue shrugged and bowed his head, appearing to focus on his food. Xiao Bai was of course just teasing him, seeing that the other blushed he couldn't help himself but tease him again.

Xiao Bai," hey Ming Xue, are you blushing right now?"

Ming Xue, "No."

Xiao Bai, "You're ears can't fool me, you know? HAHAHA."

'I— I, I may have a heart disorder. This just started when I got acquainted with young master. What is this throbbing I'm feeling? My face is so hot, my ears are so hot. It feels like my blood all rushed upward. I feel very weird!', ming xue ranted inside his head.

Xiao bai wasn't aware of this. He just felt that ming xue is such a loner, someone who doesn't know how to communicate with others.

So as a friend he naturally would help the other to open up to him, although deep inside Xiao Bai himself don't want to be friendly with others, since he decided to befriend ming xue he would of course do his best for him.

In conclusion he felt that ming xue can be trusted and should be kept to his side. If he somehow treated the other poorly, one day, ming xue might retaliate against him.

But Xiao Bai doesn't know that his actions are going to a more complicated path.




Xiao bai and ming xue was standing infront of the academy. They didn't expected that the whole mountain is the academy, its almost the same as those immortal peaks in ancient dramas that he watched in the past.

A senior student saw them walking around aimlessly approached and led them to their destination. On the way, xiao bai saw that the academy is very well managed.

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