Chapter 24

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Xiao bai's manor

"Young master. Master Ruo has arrived." Yifan called out to Xiao Bai who was currently at the backyard playing his guqin.

He gave his guqin to Yifan and stood up, dusting his robes.

"Mingxue, let's go." Xiao Bai said while looking up at the tree branch where mingxue was lazing. Mingxue immediately jumped down and walked with him side by side. Yifan bowed towards them as they walk away.

"Young master Bai!" Ruo lan waved to them. Xiao Bai waved back to him and went to the carriage where Ruo Lan was. Ruo Lan gestured him to enter so he did while mingxue sat at outside in the front with Ruo Lan.

And they didn't have a choice because they'll be meeting and emperor it would be weird if a mere servant sits with his master.

The ride was quite fast, it only took them about 5 minutes to arrive at Xuwei's place.

"Young master, please come in." The steward who takes care of xuwei's manor greeted them at the gates then lead them to their meeting place.

They took a few turns and arrived at the back courtyard, where a small pavilion was standing, surrounded by peach blossoms everywhere.

Xiao Bai indeed saw XuWei and another man whose back was facing him.

XuWei noticed their arrival so he gestured for them to join in. The steward stopped to tracks, bowed down while extending him arms as if saying that they should proceed. Xiao Bai thanked him and the steward went back inside.

Ruo lan was the next to take the lead.

"Ruo Lan greets his majesty. May the heavens give you and our nation uneding prosperity." Ruo Lan cupped his hands and bowed to the emperor, the emperor nodded to him indicating that he could now lift his head, then walked to Xuwei's side.

Xiao bai took a deep breath and packed towards his majesty, "Greetings your majesty. This little one is called Wang Bai. May his majesty live in prosperity so as the his nation will prosper with him."

Mingxue also bowed with him, it's not necessary for him to introduce himself since he was just a servant.

"Lift up your heads" The emperor said.

'This voice sounds a so familiar.' Xiao bai thought as soon as he heard the voice.

"ITS YOU!" Xiao Bai lifted his head and when he finally saw the emperor he couldn't help but shout in surprise. How come their sub teacher turned out to be an emperor.

So that means this is Xuwei's father? They really don't look a like at all. Oh wait, their eyes look the same. Anyway! This is the man that Xiao Bai wants to talk to inquire what was happening to him.

"Yes, it's me." Xin ShiHui said while laughing. His laugh brought Xiao Bai back to reality and he immediately reddened in embarrassment.

XuWei was also silently laughing in the sidelines which Xiao Bai caught and gave him a glare. XuWei just cleared his throat and Xiao Bai took his seat.

"Teacher...I mean, Your Majesty, I apologize for my rudeness." Xiao Bai solemnly said.

Shihui, "It's okay, we are not in an official meeting and we're outside the palace, just take me as your teacher and Xuwei's father."

Xiao bai made some small talks first to ease the atmosphere, "Oww, well then. Teacher Xin, why did you suddenly decided to teach here?"

Shihui took a sip on his cup and replied, "I'm finding XuWei a capable wife in the academy."

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