15. STRESS [D.D]

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[You are Lennie]

It was one at night and I was still up, studying for my final University exams that were in less than two weeks.

The professor had us all worry about the exams and he kept teaching us new stuff which he should have thought us months ago and now we should have been revising.

"Len?" Damiano shouted, as he walked out of our bedroom into the living room.

"What are you doing, love?" asked Damiano, walking into the living room which the corridor was joined to after not hearing an answer from me.

"Revising." I simply answered, not even turning to look at him from my laptop. He walked up and closed my laptop. "DAMIANO!"

"Come here, Len." he said, his arms wide. I fell into his warm embrace as he kissed my head and traced one of my arm tattoos.

"I hate it so much," I let the much needed deep breath after feeling his safe touch against my cold skin. "the exams are stressing me so much. I'm working hard, I really am but it just seems that nothing can stay in my head longer than a couple hours. I use all my free time for studying but I just can't bring myself to do it!" I whispered. "Look at me! A stupid twenty-two year old, crying about a master's degree in criminology. I'm so pathetic. I can't wait to graduate this fucking shithole in one month."

"You're not pathetic, love," he said, wiping my tears with his thumbs, smiling at me. "You're just working too much, dear. You're burnt out. You need to take a break, Lennie. You're working too hard and now you can't do it anymore and it's not because you're lazy, you're just simply burnt out. You don't pay enough attention to everyone and everything around you."

"I'm not burnt out and I do pay attention to everything around me." I said, wiping my eyes with the fabric of my slip.

"Oh yeah? Well, last week I was walking naked around the house and you didn't even realise because of how much you were studying." he said and I chuckled. "There's that beautiful smile I love! Now, come on, it's way too late for you to be studying. Let's take a bath and then we'll go to sleep, alright?"

"Alright." I whispered. I opened the laptop and turned it off properly after which I got all the papers off the table and put them in my folder. All of a sudden, Damiano picked me up bridal-style and started walking to our bedroom. "Damiano, we've talked about this."

"I don't care, darling. It's time for you to relax." he said, smirking as he kissed my lips and I sighed.

He let me put my things away while he was in the bathroom.

Was I burnt out? It can't be, it's less than two weeks to my exams and I cannot allow myself to be burnt out. Well, I had just spent my Friday night studying while, I'm sure, everyone else in my class was out partying. Maybe I had just over-worked myself.

I took mine and Damiano's clothes and walked into our bathroom. I gasped when I saw it.

The lights were off and there were rose petals covering the floor, candles were the only source of light and the air smelled of vanilla. He stood there in front of me, smiling.

"When - when did you do this?" I asked in utter shock.

"When you were in the living room." he said and I walked towards him, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you." I whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too, Len." he said back.

I took my nightdress off and he took his clothes off. The bathtub was filled with bubbles and warm water, just at the right temperature. Luckily, it was big enough to fit us both. I went on one side and he went on the other, our legs interwined.

I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes, letting my head fall as the warm water covered my freezing body.

"Turning me on." he said and I opened my eyes. "Sorry." I chuckled.

"Come here and turn around so your back is facing me, OK?" he said and I nodded. I moved up and sat on his legs, my back facing him.

I soon felt his warm hands on my shoulders and relaxed them, throwing my head back. "If your music career ever fails, become a masseur."

"Never, just you will get these massages." he said and I smiled. "I booked us a little holiday, by the way."

"What?" I asked, turning my body to face him.

"I got us two tickets to Portofino in the morning to see your family for the whole weekend. I know you haven't seen them for almost a year so I thought it would be a nice way to relax you before your exams." he said and my eyes widened.

I moved to Rome with my older sister six, almost seven, years ago but I was born and grew up in Portofino, a tiny village on the coast of Italy. It was always my dream to live in the big city and when my then twenty year old sister was moving out to Rome for a job opportunity, I begged my parents to let me move with her and finally they agreed. I haven't seen anyone, apart from my sister since last Summer.

"No. No, we're not." I said in disbelief. "You're fucking with me right now."

"Pack your bags, baby, because we're off in a couple hours!" he exclaimed.

"Oh! I love you!" I leaned onto him and kissed him passionately which led to, well, you know what.

After a bit, I was laying against him as he played with my wet hair. My mascara was dripping down my face, covering the dark circles underneath my eyes and Damiano's eyeliner was extremely smudged around his eyes.

"I can't believe I'll see my parents and brothers." I said, still in disbelief. "I love you."

"I love you too." he said. "Aren't I just an amazing fiancé?"

"You are. The best in the history of fiancé's actually." I said, smiling at him and his wet hair.

I meant what I said, he was the best.


should i make a part two to this? i don't know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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