31. CHILI [V.D.A]

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[You are Lilia]

"I can't believe we're getting a dog today." Victoria said as she got into her and Lilia's car. Lilia was driving because let's just say Victoria wasn't the best at doing just that.

"I know right?" Lilia said as she started the car and started to reverse out of their apartment parking space and waited for the gate to open to let them out from the underground parking lot. "It's a dream come true, finally."

They had originally planned to adopt a dog from a shelter but they found this seller with dogs that they had both fell in love with and immediately contacted the person and here they were going to get the dog.

"Hurry up! I need to see our new child." Victoria said.

"Just please don't start acting like the dog is an actual human being." Lilia said as they were driving down a road in central Rome, near their house.

"I'll think about it." Victoria said and Lilia smiled slightly.

They soon reached the sellers house and when they rang the doorbell they heard, what felt like, hundreds of different barks.

A nice young lady opened the door and she smiled.

"You're here for the dog, right?" she asked.

"Yes, we are." Victoria said excitedly.

"Come in." She said.

The two girls walked in and followed the lady to where there were five dogs, one big one and four smaller ones.

"Oh my gosh, am I in Heaven?" Lilia asked as she slowly kneeled down.

Victoria just started at the dogs and adored them.

The lady kneeled down and picked a beautiful small dog up.

"This one is the one you chose." She lifted the small dog up and both Lilia and Victoria walked towards her and petted the little dog gently. "She doesn't have a name yet because I prefer not to name the little dogs because then they get used to the names and it might be hard to get used to the names the new owner will want.

"Oh my gosh, isn't she just so pretty?" Lilia said.

The lady gave them all the papers they needed and helped them out with the dog in the cage.

"If anything goes wrong or if you have any questions, you have my number so you can just call me." she smiled.

"Thank you so much. If we do, we will. Goodbye." said Victoria.

"Goodbye." said Lilia.

"Goodbye and good luck." the lady said and the two drove away.

"Lilia, do you understand that we have a dog in the backseats and that dog is ours?!" Victoria exclaimed.

"No way." said Lilia. "I cannot believe it."

"What should we name her?" asked Victoria.

"I'm not sure. I like the name Chili." said Lilia.

"Chili." Victoria said and thought. "Chili, I like it. Alright then, Chili it is."

"What? Really?" Lilia asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I like it." Victoria said and then turned in her seat to where the dog was in a cage. "Hello, Chili."

They got home and carried the cage up to their apartment, the dog barking a couple times. Naturally she was scared.

They finally reached their apartment and let the dog out of the cage.

"Chili, come here." Victoria said, sitting on the ground with a toy in her hand.

Chili ran to her and started biting the toy and barking at the sound it was making.

Lilia laughed and joined Victoria on the floor. "Hold it up and see if she'll jump for it."

Victoria held the toy a little above the ground and Chili did jump for it but she didn't land, instead she fell on Victoria's legs.

"Oh my gosh, this is the best thing ever." Victoria said.

"I'm so happy we finally got a dog." Lilia said when Chili came up to her, sniffing her.

"Me too, Lia." Victoria said hugging her girlfriend.

Little did they know, the dog would become their best friend.

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