34. L.A [D.D]

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[You are Aurelia]

Aurelia had decided to buy herself a plane ticket to L.A. She did it after Victoria texted her saying that Damiano had not been able to focus and that he's not been the same. She and Damiano hadn't seen each other for almost five months at this point. Ever since they started dating in 2015 they had never been apart for so long. She could see how every second of this tremendous distance between Rome and L.A tore their relationship apart. It wasn't the same.

A month and a half before the band left for L.A, Aurelia had left to go to Paris because her job made her but then Damiano didn't know the band was going for three and a half months to L.A to write music because it was a last-minute decision. He had left for L.A exactly three days before Aurelia came back from Paris.

Aurelia didn't want Damiano to leave and neither did he want to go but he had to do what he had to do. The time zone difference was no help at all because whenever Aurelia woke up for work, Damiano was sleeping, when she came from work Damiano was at work and whenever Damiano had free time it was either really late in Rome or Aurelia was at work. They found it really hard to communicate so they would sometimes even go a week with no communication except a few texts which was extremely unusual for them.

Everyone could see that both Damiano and Aurelia were acting differently than usual, less happy.

Eventually, Aurelia had enough and went to her manager telling him she was taking a week and a half off. She barely took any time off so he had no choice but to give her the time off and happily so as she had been overworking herself these past months and he could see something was different about her.

Aurelia got off the plane and wondered what to do next. She hadn't told anyone that she was coming and it was evening so she wasn't even sure if Damiano was in the hotel or if he was out. She was extremely tired as she had left Rome early in the morning and now it was around six in the morning the next day in Rome. So she hadn't slept for a good twenty-seven hours at this point.

She called a taxi, telling the woman the hotel that the band was staying in. It was about a twenty-minute drive. Aurelia found herself getting stressed more as time passed but she knew what she was doing was good. Well, if you called flying across the globe to see your loved one good.

She thanked the woman who drove her and paid her. Man, were things in L.A expensive. She looked at the really big hotel and walked in. She wasn't used to seeing such modern things, in Rome, most things were quite old but that was the beauty of the city. There was a lady at the desk, typing away on her computer.

"Hello," Aurelia said in English with an Italian accent and the lady looked up at her, smiling. "I was wondering if, um, Damiano David is in his room?"

"Who's asking?" she said, typing on her computer.

"Oh, I'm his fianceé." she lifted her left hand with the ring on her finger.

"Oh alright. Yes, he is. His room number is 73. It's on the fifth floor." the lady said. "Just go to the lift, press five, and go to the very end in the right direction."

"Thank you so much." Aurelia said, smiling at the lady.

She went to the lifts and entered the one that opened first. She pressed the button with the number five. There was a big mirror. She didn't look bad taking the fact she had just gotten off a 16-hour flight.

The door to the elevator opened and she left. She walked right, just like the lady told her, and there she saw door 73.

She stood in front, took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"I don't want room service!" Damiano shouted in English from inside.

"Come on, Damiano. Open it." Aurelia said in Italian. It was so relieving to use her native tongue after so many hours of having to communicate in English.

Damiano froze in his room. Was that... no way. Aurelia was in Rome. It was probably just Vic. But they'd gone out so it couldn't be. Maybe he was imagining things because he was missing her so much.

"Come again?" Damiano shouted in English, reluctantly.

"I said open the door." Aurelia replied in Italian.

It had to be her. His heart started beating faster as he quickly got off the bed and ran to the door. He opened the door and there she was, standing right in front of him.

She smiled and he immediately hugged her so hard she probably couldn't even breathe.

"You're choking me, David." Aurelia laughed but Damiano did nothing, he just hugged her tighter.

"What are you doing here?" Damiano asked her as he hugged her, inhaling her familiar scent, he immediately felt a hundred times better. "How did you even get here?"

"Well, there are things called planes and - " she started and Damiano laughed, pulling away from her. He let her in and closed the door behind her.

"I know that." he said, smiling wider than he had ever recently. He took Aurelia's suitcase that was standing in front of her and walked in putting it away in the corner, next to his. He turned around and took her backpack from her and also put it down on top of her suitcase. He turned to her and hugged her again kissing her all over her face as they fell onto the bed. "I love you so much, Lia, and I'm so happy you're here. You don't even know how much I missed you. I was even contemplating just telling the band that we should leave L.A even though we're in the middle of writing a song. It's actually about this part we've had apart with the different timezones. Oh, I have so much to tell you, Lia."

"I love you too. I'm so happy to see you, you don't even know." she said. "And now I definitely want to hear about this new song but just let me wash myself first, alright?"

"I'm going with you." Damiano said. "Now that you're here, I cannot waste any time with you."

Aurelia laughed, she took some clothes out of her suitcase and went to the bathroom after Damiano who led the way.

After the shower, they lay on the bed in each other's arms.

"I missed this." Aurelia said, tracing Damiano's 'Il ballo della vita' tattoo.

"Me too, I missed you the most while being here you know?" he said, kissing her head.

"I missed you the most, too. Now tell me about this new song." Aurelia said.

"Ooh, okay." he said, excitedly. "It's going to be called Timezone and it's about this time we've had apart. I had a melody and Vic and Thom changed it a bit and now it sounds also really good. I'm done on the lyrics, we just need to work more on the music. It's more like a pop rock ballad, I guess song and not our usual music but we decided to try a new style to see if we like it. I can't wait to show you it. I love it so much."

"Oh, Damiano." Aurelia smiled widely. "I love you." Aurelia said.

"I love you too, so much. God, I was so miserable without you. I'll take you to practice tomorrow and you can take a listen." Damiano said.

"I'm sure it'll be really good." Aurelia smiled.

They layed in silence, finally together after all these months apart. Just enjoying each other's company and finally happy that they were together.

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