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[requested by Vegalevin <3]

[You are Flora]

It was Flora's twenty-second birthday so, naturally, she wanted to get drunk. She told herself she wouldn't but she ended did. Not only did she get drunk but her best friends did too, Victoria, Ethan and Thomas. However, her boyfriend Damiano didn't, he said one of them had to be sober to take care of everyone else and get them home safely.

So, after a whole night of drinking and taking each of their friends back to their apartments safely, they reached their apartment. It was two in the morning when Damiano opened the door for a slightly drunk Flora. I think it's safe to say Flora was the least drunk out of her, Victoria, Ethan and Thomas. The three mentioned tried getting up on stage and perform a dance routine which was them just jumping around in circles and licking each other, it sure was a good idea for Damiano to stay sober.

He turned the lights on and quickly reached for Flora, who tripped on a pair of shoes left out in the middle of the corridor.

"Thank you." she said and brushed the hair that was falling on her face away.

"Come on," he took her hand. "into the bedroom."

He dragged her in and started looking through their pyjama drawer. He took a shirt and shorts out and placed it on the bed next Flora.

"I'll help you change and then you can go to sleep." he took Flora's hand, helping her stand up.

"But I don't want to go to sleep." she whined, touching Damiano chest that the first few undone buttons revealed. She looked in his eyes and he shook his head.

"Lora, you're drunk." he said and she scoffed.

"I am not!" she said. "Victoria was drunk, Thomas was drunk, Ethan was drunk but I am not drunk." she wrapped her hands around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his chest, something she did to show affection.

"Lora, I cannot believe I am having this conversation with you." he moved away from her. "You're drunk, I am not. Therefore, if we do have sex tonight that will count as me taking advantage of you and I will never, ever do that and you damn well know it. I can give you a goodnight kiss but that is it. If you still want to, then tomorrow."

"You won't be taking advantage of me!" she said and stood up straighter. "This is me giving you consent, you have my consent. Besides, it's not like we've never done it before, definitely not the first, no where near."

"Flora," she froze at her full name, Damiano never used her full name unless he was very serious. "I will not do anything today. I don't care if you beg me on your knees, or you act as if you're dying and I'll never see you again or if you give me your consent a billion times and tell me you are not drunk. You are drunk and I will not take advantage of you in this state."

She huffed and sat down on the bed, crossing her arms. "Fine." she quietly said. "Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, yes." he sat down next to her and hugged her. "I know you want to but you're drunk and I care for you. Yes, I know you're only slightly drunk and we've done it many times before but that still doesm't give me the right to do that with you when you're under the influence of alcohol."

"Such a gentleman." she said quietly amd Damiano smiled at her.

"I'll help you get dressed." he said and Flora nodded her head. She raised her arms and Damiano helped her take her shirt off and then he helped her put the new one on.

She stood up and took her shorts off, stumbling a little to the side, and then Damiano handed her shorts to her.

"Can you get me some water?" she asked.

"Of course." Damiano said and left the room. She took her clothes from the floor and put it in the basket on top of the washing machine in the bathroom that was joined to their bedroom.

She walked out and saw Damiano taking off his shirt and a glass of water standing on her nightstand.

She was still drunk but after drinking the ice-cold water she felt herself sober a little.

Damiano walked up to Flora and hugged her.

"Remind me to never get drunk again. I feel like rubbish." she said and Damiano laughed.

"I promise I won't let you get drunk ever again." he said, one hand on his heart and the other in the air.

𝙈𝙄𝙓𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙋 ➪ 𝙈Å𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙆𝙄𝙉 𝙄𝙈𝘼𝙂𝙄𝙉𝙀𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔Where stories live. Discover now