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[You are Luisa]

"I'm starting to think that we are more excited for your birthday than you are." Luisa joked and everyone at the table laughed.

They were at a restaurant, celebrating Ethan's eighteenth birthday. Even if Thomas was already above eighteen like everyone else there then Ethan would have still invited everyone to this restaurant. Everyone knew that Ethan hated parties so club's definitely aren't the thing for him.

"Honestly." Victoria said.

"Ugh, I wish it was my eighteenth birthday." Thomas whined from beside Luisa.

The brown-haired girl turned around and smiled at him. "Soon, Thommy. You'll get your time to shine." Luisa said, putting one arm around Thomas and hugging him.

"I'll be the king of the club. Everyone will stare at me and say to their friends 'wow, that guy rocks. He's so cool, I want to be like him,' and I will agree." Thomas said and everyone laughed.

"Keep dreaming, Thommy." Damiano and Luisa said at the same time. They looked at each other and high-fived.

"You're so rude, you two." Thomas said.

"We're taking the attention from the birthday boy! Shut up, Thomas." Victoria said and once again everyone laughed.

Ethan and Luisa sat opposite each other. It was known that the two were the bestest of friends. Like seriously the bestest. They were like treasure to each other, extremely valuable.

Everyone had given their gifts to Ethan at the beginning of the evening but Luisa had specifically gone to toilet so that she could give hers alone later as she didn't want everyone there.

The restaurant they were at had a little dance floor where, surprisingly, many people were dancing, loud music filling their ears.

After having eaten, most of the people at the table went to dance and Victoria went to the toilet so it was just Luisa and Ethan left.

She looked at him and smiled, leaning forward across the table so that she didn't have to shout over the loud music.

"Come for a quick walk with me while everyone dances, will you?" she asked and Ethan's face lit up immediately, a smile appearing.

"Yes, let's go." he said, standing up.

They both took their coats, Ethan putting on the red long coat he got earlier as a present and Luisa putting on a black long leather coat.

They walked outside the restaurant, no one realising they left and the chilly October air hit them.

They walked to the side of the restaurant where there was a little bench with a view of the lit up Colosseum. Cool, right? That's why Ethan had chosen this restaurant.

They sat down on the bench and Luisa pulled out a little dark green box with a silver ribbon on it.

"Happy birthday, Ethan." she handed him the box, smiling at him.

He looked stunned.

"No." he said quietly as he took the box from Luisa's hand. "If this is what I think it is I will absolutely kill you."

He untied the box and slowly took of the top. He looked inside and immediately closed it, looking at Luisa.

"Luisa, I swear I will kill you. No way you got that for me." Ethan said and Luisa smiled even wider.

"I don't know what you're talking about, just open it." Luisa said innocently.

Ethan opened the box and covered his face when he saw what was inside.

A beautiful silver ring with a very intricate pattern. It was the ring that a couple months ago, when Ethan and Luisa were out, Ethan saw at the window of a jewellery shop and immediately fell in love. That was until he saw the price of course. He really wanted the ring but it was quite pricy for a ring. Not the most expensive ring he's ever seen but definitely somewhere up there. So he promised himself that one day when Måneskin's music career was giving him more money he would treat himself to this exact ring.

However, he would not shut up about the ring, he even talked about the ring yesterday. Everytime Luisa saw Ethan he'd be complaining about how beautiful the ring was and how ridiculous the price was. It wasn't in the thousands of course but it was still in the hundreds which was a lot.

"Oh my goodness." he just stared at the ring like it was something that would fix all his problems. "Oh my God, I love you so much, Isa." he obviously said that in a friendly way to Luisa. The two best friends hugged. "I don't even know what to say. Thank you so much."

"You don't need to say anything, Ethan. I'm just glad you're here, honestly." Luisa said as Ethan hugged her tighter. "Ethan, I need to breathe."

Ethan backed away from Luisa, smiling like a maniac.

He carefully took the ring out of the little box and gave it a proper look. Honestly, it was the most beautiful ring he'd ever gotten, the best present anyone has ever given him.

He slid it onto his finger and looked at it with a big smile on his face.

"I cannot believe this. This is the best present I've ever gotten. How can I even beat this? I really need to think about your birthday now." Ethan said and Luisa laughed.

"Ethan, my birthday is in eleven months. You have plenty of time." Luisa said, smiling.

"I don't care, next year for your nineteenth birthday you are getting the best birthday gift from me." Ethan said. "Ugh, I have no words. Goodness, I love it."

"Well, I'm glad." Luisa said smiling. "That's all I ever wanted."


happy birthday to our beloved drummer! twenty-two years of age but only getting better and hotter. ;)

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