Finding Adrien (Final)

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Marinette was awestruck. Why was he here? Shouldn't he be resting? What about his injury.?

"May I come in?" he asked.

Coming back to reality, Marinette nodded. Chat Noir climbed inside the window. His feet tapping on the wooden floor. He turned to Marinette.

"Why haven't come to see me?" he asked.

"I needed time," she answered.

"For what?"

"I needed time to think about my feelings and everything else."

Chat Noir stepped closer toward her. "And what are your feelings?"

"I-I don't know," she stammered.

Chat noir understood how she felt. He was one person with two sides of him. The playful and courageous Chat Noir and the lonely, responsible Prince Adrien. Truth was, he also did not know who he was. All he knew was that his feelings for Marinette were real. Some might call him a fool, but he felt something.

***Last Night.....****

Adrien's eyes fluttered open. He felt a sharp pain in his body, but it quickly went away. He found himself lying on a bed. He took a moment to examine his surroundings and found that he was in the hideout once again. How did he get here?

The last thing he remembered was getting hit by something and then black. With a groan, Adrien sat up. He looked for Plagg, who was sleeping beside his pillow. A small smile came across his face. Adrien carefully stood up and exited the room. He went to the kitchen. There, he saw Master Fu making soup. 

"Good morning, Adrien," he greeted.

"Morning," he smiled, weakly.

"Have a seat."

Adrien complied and sat down at the table. In a few moments, Master Fu placed a bowl of hot soup and bread in front of him. He then sat down next to Adrien and explained everything. To say shocked was an understatement. He felt like an idiot for getting hurt, and now he hurt the one person who saw beyond the crown of Prince Adrien.

He began to think that now since she knew, she would never want to see him again. It was understandable since he was the prince, and she fell in love with Chat Noir.

"Do you really think Marinette only loves Chat Noir?" asked the old man.

"Doesn't she?"

Master Fu shook his head. "Tell me, when you wore that mask, how did you feel?"

"How did I feel? I felt free."

"Exactly. All the mask did was allow you to become the part of you that you had to hide. Prince Adrien could not walk among his common people, but Chat Noir could. The mask gave you a mirror to look through. It allowed you to see your true self."

Adrien's eyes widened. So, Chat Noir was his true self....the part of him that was hidden for so long. The part of him...that he missed.


Adrien waited for Marinette's response. He understood how she felt, but he also understood how he felt. "Marinette, the real me is Chat Noir," he began placing a hand on her cheek. "Prince Adrien is a responsible boy who only knows how to please his father. While Chat Noir is able to be happy. He can be courageous, silly, and as reckless as he wants. He can always have feelings for whoever he wants."

"No, you're not," Marinette began, placing her hand on his. "You are both Chat Noir and Prince Adrien. A loyal and responsible person, who is also courageous and can be reckless sometimes, but they're both the real you."

Adrien smiled.

Marinette's cheeks blushed. Her eyes were dead set in Adrien's and vice versa. The two stared into each other. Searching for any signs of doubt.

"Tell me when to stop," he whispered, slowly closing the gap.

Marinette slowly closed her eyes as Adrien placed his other hand around her waist. In an instant, the gap was closed. 

Adrien wrapped both his hands around Marinette's waist. In return, she wrapped her arms around his neck. They parted for a moment.

"Marinette, tomorrow, will you come with me to the palace?"

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