Chat in the Night

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Adrien finished the last bit of work his father assigned him.  The sun had just set on the horizon, which was the perfect time for a nap.  The young prince crawled into bed and slipped into a peaceful slumber. 

His eyes fluttered open after the long nap.  Adrien saw his was dark and knew that it had to be pretty late.  With a few stretches, the prince hid pillows under his bed sheets to make it look like he was still asleep.  He then woke the little black kwami that was asleep next to him.

"Just five more camemberts..." the kwami said in his sleep.

"You wake up and I'll give six," the prince said with a light chuckle.

"I'm up!"

Adrien chuckled once more at this supposed kwami who was more into camembert than saving the world.  "Come on, Plagg.  We're going out."

"Out where?" the kwami yawned.  "And what about my cheese?!"

"You'll get it when we come back."


Adrien smirked and shook his head.  He wondered if Ladybug's kwami was this difficult.  "Plagg, claws out!"

The prince's ring turned black and a green cat paw appeared in the center.  In a flash of light, Adrien was transformed into the "wanted criminal", Chat Noir.  Adrien took a moment to look at himself in the mirror.  He never got over how amazing his transformation was.  And he never will.

Using the secret passage, Adrien escaped the palace and fled to Sherwood.  He remembered how mysterious and magical the forest was.  How it always knew where to take you, even when you didn't know.  "I wonder where I'll go tonight," Chat Noir thought to himself.

With one final step, Chat found himself in the village.  He perched himself in a tree and saw he was on the edge of Sherwood that connected itself to the village.  He wondered why the forest brought him here.  Was there a good reason?  Or was the forest just playing tricks?

He was about to leave until he saw her.


Marinette awoke and realized how late it was.  The moon was high in the sky and the stars were still present.  Either way, she managed to get some sleep.  Now all that was left was to fall back asleep.  However, she couldn't.  At least not yet.  She knew her body needed to feel tired again before she could go back to sleep.  Figured a walk would be a good idea, then when she came back a cup of tea would seal the deal.  

Marinette wanted to wake Tikki, but she thought it would be better to let the little kwami sleep.  After all, she needed as much sleep as Marinette.  With a smile, Marinette tucked in the kwami and left.  The night wasn't as cold as she thought, so it was perfect for a walk.

During the day, the village would normally be loud and fussy.  But at night...peace and quiet became the norm.  Marinette breathed in the fresh night air as she continued to walk to Sherwood Forest.  She thought a walk there and back would be enough.  As she neared the edge of the forest, she heard a familiar voice.  "Miss?"

Marinette looked around, then glanced up.  She saw a pair of green eyes look down at her.  "Chat Noir?" she asked to confirm her suspicion.

A figure dressed in black jumped down from the tree, landing in front of her.  "The one and only," he bowed.  "Now, if I may ask, what is a young lady like you doing out at this hour?"

"Oh, you know, looking for stray cats, who like to ask young ladies about their travels," she witted.

Chat Noir chuckled.  "Touche, Marinette.  Touche."

"You remembered my name?" 

"Of course.  Why wouldn't I?  You were the first person I saved on my own.  I don't think that's anything to be ashamed of when it comes down to remembering your name."

"Aren't you a charmer?"

"Well, I try."

The two laughed and stood in silence for a moment.  "Are you taking a walk?" Chat asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Yes, I am," she answered.  "I thought it would help me feel sleepy, but as of now..."

"I see.  You know I was on a walk myself, how 'bout you join me?"

"Why?  Are you worried about me?" she raised a brow with her hands on her hips.

Chat Noir bowed once again.  "A knight would always worry about his princess," he winked.

Marinette's cheeks grew pink.  Princess?  She then smiled and accepted his offer to walk with him.  Only...she didn't know that walking would include being carried bridal style to who knows where.


Early update because I am getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow.  And if you don't see an update next week, just now this is the reason why.  I probably won't update until I know I'm better, so a couple weeks...Thanks guys!

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