Rise of the Tyrants

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After a few days, Adrien's health was back to normal. His father had dismissed him from his studies, so he would get better. Adrien didn't quite understand his father. All he really understood was his father's constant need to protect him and keep him locked up in the palace.

Adrien sighed as he walked through the castle gardens. He remembered how much his mother loved the flowers. How much they would make her smile and how warm her smile was. Adrien missed her, so much.

"Adrien! Adrien!" A voice shouted.

Adrien turned to the voice that interrupted his thoughts. He saw his friend, Nino running toward him.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Dude, your father wants to see you. He said it's urgent," Nino replied almost out of breath.

Adrien gave his friend a questionable look. What could be so urgent to make Nino run all the way here to come get him? Adrien went back with Nino to the throne room, where his father sat upon the throne.

"Adrien," his father said in a deep voice.

"Yes, father?" He answered.

Gabriel sighed, then told Adrien of his grandfather's death. Adrien's eyes widened. His grandfather, his mother's father passed away. Adrien lowered his head and clenched his fists. He tried to hold back his tears, but they started to fall.

Gabriel stood from his throne and walked to his son. He wrapped his arms around the crying boy. Nino wanted to hug Adrien, but he backed away wanting the two to have this moment. Even if it was because of a tragedy, they needed this moment.

Word spread throughout England of the French King's death. The kingdom mourned the loss of King Gabriel and Queen Emilie's father and Prince Adrien's grandfather.

Apparently, the French King had passed away the other day, but the news was delayed. King Gabriel and Prince Adrien immediately went to France to attend the funeral of the French King. Nino went along to as Adrien's moral support.

The sun shined through the rain clouds that hovered over the crying people. The French King was placed beside his wife and daughter. Their gravestones marked, 'Forever in our hearts'. Adrien walked to his grandfather's grave and placed a single flower. His grandfather's favorite, the begonia. The light rain hid Adrien's tears as he cried over his grandfather's grave.

Nino put a hand on Adrien's shoulder then gave him the last two flowers for his mother and grandmother's grave. The iris for his mother and the buttercup for his grandmother. All Adrien had left was his father and Nino. He didn't want to lose either.

After the funeral, Gabriel was approached by the younger brother of his father's most trusted friend and future king of France, Prince John. John expressed his condolences for he was well aware of Queen Emilie's death. Gabriel thanked John for his loyalty to the French King and wished him luck in his future reign. Adrien, however, didn't trust John as well as Hawkmoth. The first time when Adrien met John, he was a mere child, but his smile sent chills up Adrien's spine. However, Adrien trusted John's brother, Richard. He was meant to be king, but he had to leave for the crusades.  The mere thought of Hawkmoth or Prince John on his grandfather's throne made Adrien tremble with anger.

Gabriel, Adrien, and Nino stayed for the coronation, which took place a few weeks after the French king's funeral. Once it was over, Adrien felt relief fill his body as they left for England. Nino noticed his friends relief and asked if he was alright. Adrien assured his friend that he had nothing to worry about. Nino had known Adrien since childhood, so he could tell when Adrien was both lying and when something was bothering him. Nino thought about confronting him, but he it would be best to give him space. After all, his grandfather just died, the last link he had to his mother.

When they returned to the palace, Adrien went to his room and collapsed on the bed. He was exhausted. Everything was happening so fast. First, his mother dies and now his grandfather. To make matters worse, John and Hawkmoth take over his grandfather's throne. Adrien smothered his head into the pillow. He could only hope the people of his mother's homeland would be safe.


If any of you guys are confused by the chapter, let me know, so I can clarify things...Okay?Cause this is an important chapter. and I don't anyone to get lost because of how confusing I made it.

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