Finding Adrien (4)

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Marinette groggily opened her eyes. She could tell her body was wide awake; mainly because she has never slept that well in years. Though the sky was still dark, it was almost sunrise. She figured it wouldn't hurt to go for an early morning walk. With a good stretch, she got up from her bed and took a bath. Marinette sank into the tub, and let her shoulders relax in the warm water. 

A while later, she changed into her morning clothes, made her bed, and left. She made sure the door was locked before leaving and began to walk down the street. A walk helps to clear the mind, which was what Marinette needed.  She still hadn't found Prince Adrien yet.  The weight was killing her!

What if she never found him? What if King John and Hawkmoth found him first? What if he's injured and needs help? What if--

No, no....She shouldn't think like that. Marinette stopped at the edge of Sherwood forest. Maybe the forest could give her some answers? Ok, now she sounded like a total loon. That is is she didn't experience it for herself.

So, why not?

Marinette took a deep breath and stepped into the forest. She continued to walk in a straight not derailing from the path. So far, all she heard was nothing. It was quiet, and not in a eerie, creepy sort of way, but rather a calm and meditation sort of way. She soon came across a clearing.  It was big and beautiful but also strange. Then again, what wasn't strange in these woods. There were lights in the trees. They reminded her of the fabric from the store.

"Just like stars..." she whispered. 

"I agree."

"Ah!" Marinette screamed.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," a figure said, walking into view.

Marinette could see clearly who it was. A young man with green eyes and blonde hair, who wore a mask, dressed in black and green clothes, black boots with silver toe ends, green armor armband with finger less gloves, blades around his waist, and a silver band with a cast's face binding his hood. She could never forget her friend and partner.

"Chat Noir, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I wanted to go for a morning walk, and I ended up here," he replied. "What are you doing here?"


Chat nodded. Truthfully, he wanted to clear his head. He's been missing for what? A month? He knew his father was freaking out, but maybe it was a good thing. Was he being cold-hearted or just childish?  Finding Adrien was the top priority for the Guardains. They also knew that Hawkmoth and Prince John would take advantage of the situation sooner or later. Worse case scenario, probably what they're planning, is frame Ladybug and Chat Noir for the missing Prince.

So much trouble and he was the center of it.  Chat lost himself for a moment. Marinette watched him silently. She wondered if he was alright. Her partner hasn't exactly been in the most cheeriest mood lately. He tries to hide it, but she knew something was wrong. Ladybug couldn't get through to him, so why give Marinette a try. It was worth a shot.

"Hey, Chat?" she called. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied.

"You don't look fine. I know we don't know each other, but if you want to talk someone..."

"Ladybug and I have those kinds of talks sometimes."


"What we do isn't easy. We get injured, and may even get killed. I can only imagine how worried her family would be."

"What family?" she queried

"Huh?" Chat raised a brow.

Uh, what I mean is, what about yours? Last time we talked, I gave you advise about your father. So, how was it?" 

He wanted to tell her the truth, but thought it best to spare her feelings. The relationship he has with his father is beyond repair. For years, he's been hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel. was too much to ask for.

"Hey, Marinette, do you want to see the sunrise with me?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Um, sure," she shrugged. Marinette knew he changed the subject for a reason. Guess things didn't work out with his father. Why did she stick her nose in?

Marinette started to walk into the forest, until Chat stopped her. She questioned his actions, and he smiled.  "There's a better way, and probably faster. Would you like to take it?" he asked, extending his hand.

Marinette looked at his hand and back at him. She knew he was trustworthy. After all, they were partners. She placed her hand inside his. Chat smiled, and scooped her in his arms. She blushed. "Hold on tight," he said. "and close your eyes."

She wrapped her arms around his neck. Chat jumped from the ground, and leaped from tree to tree. Marinette felt the wind on her face and hair. Chat stopped on a high tree with flat branches that were easy to sit on. He carefully placed Marinette next to him on the branch.

"Now, open," he whispered.

Marinette eyes fluttered open. She was speechless. The horizon was draped in sunlight, the waterfall glimmered in the raze, and the flowers glowed with the painted gaze. "It's so beautiful," she gasped.

"Yeah, it is."


Chat walked with Marinette back to the village. On the way, he decided to ask her a question. Like Ladybug, she gave great advice.

"Hey, Marinette," he stopped. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," she smiled.

"What would you do if you found Adrien?"

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