Village Girl, Baker's Daughter

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The rooster's crew woke Marinette from her slumber.  She yawned and stretched as she sat up.  She looked out her bedroom window to see the sun sitting on the overlapping hills that lay beyond the forest of Sherwood.  She enjoyed looking at Sherwood forest, the pines left a fresh scent that went throughout the village.  Of course, the smell of her baked goods went throughout the village as well.

Marinette rose from her bed and with another stretch took a bath.  The warm water relaxed her body.  She felt the warmth open the pores on her body.  Using her soap, she washed her body, then her soft blue hair.  She rinsed herself off, letting the water drip down her body.  Once she was rinsed off, Marinette grabbed her towel and dried herself off.  She then changed into her normal clothes and headed to the bakery downstairs to work.

The bakery her parents created before she born, was a treasure Marientte would always keep.  Marinette started making the bread before opening the bakery.  She hummed to her heart's content as she prepared the bread.  In fact, she was so lost in the process that she didn't even notice a knock at the door.


Startled, Marinette walked to the door to see who it was.  Even though, she had a pretty good idea.  She opened the door to find Alya with a basket in her hand.

  She opened the door to find Alya with a basket in her hand

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"Hey, girl!" She exclaimed.

Marinette giggled at her friend's joyous mood.  "Alya," she said, "why are you in a good mood? Do you know what time it is?"

"Of course, I do.  It's time for me to check up on you and bring you breakfast."

"Oh Alya."

Alya's family owned a bar/inn so it was only natural for her to be up at the same time Marinette was, if not earlier.

"Well, are you going to invite me in?"

"I don't think you need my permission to come in, Alya.  Since you just come in anyway."

"True.  But you are my friend, thus I have the highest respect for you."

"Oh, Alya," Marinette said as she hugged her friend and invited her in.

Once Alya was inside, she gave Marinette the basket.  It was filled with fruit, cheese, and danishes.

"I don't know why my mom makes those danishes for you.  She knows you can just make your own," Alya said leaning against the counter.

Marinette worked as she talked to Alya, she didn't want to keep the people waiting.  "Maybe she doesn't want me to waste my ingredients."

"Or she just wants an approval from the master herself."

"I'm no master, Alya."

"But your father was, and in you flows his excellence of the baking."

"Of the baking?"

"Yes, of the baking.  You got skills, girl, don't waste them."

"I'm not."

"Not those skills, the other one."

"I'll admit, I do dabble in designing."

"Dabble?  Marinette, my mom asked you to make her work outfit!"


"So, people are wondering who made it.  I think you should clothes on the side.  You'd make a lot of business, everyone would buy your designs!  Well, not everyone."

Marinette rolled her eyes at that 'not everyone' Alya was talking about.  Chloe.  The mere mention of her name left a bad taste in Marinette's mouth, while it left a mouthful of insults for Alya.  Marinette had no idea why Chloe hated her.  Maybe it was because she stood up to her when she was being a brat.  Being bratty is Chloe's specialty.  Her father was the sheriff, so she thought she was above everyone else.

"Not that I don't like having you here, but shouldn't you be getting back to the inn? I thought mornings were the busiest times," Marinette said taking the breads out of the ovens.

"They are, I just don't wanna go back, now,"  Alya groaned.

"Howcome? Too lazy?" Marinette smirked.

"No, but Hawkmoth always comes by with his men and they just drink.  Ugh!  It's so annoying!"


"You know, the king's second in command.  He trusts Hawkmoth a lot, if only he knew what his 'second in command was really like."

"When do they come to the inn?  Hawkmoth and his men, I mean."

"They come by just when we're about to close."

"Ah, so that's the annoying part."

"You have no idea.  Sometimes I wish I could work here in the bakery with you Mari.  Those guys would never come here."

"No one would ever come here if you baked, Alya."

"Oh, come on, I'm not that bad."

"The last I let you bake you burned it to ash."

"That was accident!"

"Uh huh."

The two laughed at the memory from that day.  Alya and Marinette were thick as thieves.  Alya's inn was just down the street, so she could visit anytime.  Same went for Marinette.

Much to her dismay, Alya had to return to the inn.  Marinette walked Alya to the door and watched as she waved goodbye.  Once Alya was no longer in sight, Marientte went back inside and continued her work.  Customer after customer arrived and Marinette's hard daily routine of work began.

Hey guys!  So here's a 'my laptop isn't here and I'm annoyed' update...See ya!

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