Dead or Alive

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The next day, Marinette thought about what happened in Paris.  Did she really become Ladybug?  Did she really save someone?  So many questions ran through Marinette's mind.  Even as she worked, the questions continued.  Nonetheless, her face continued to show a smile.

Marinette's day went unchanged.  Tending to customer after customer.  Tikki remained close but hidden.  Having her to talk to Marinette felt at ease.

"Marinette!"  Alya shouted bursting through the door.

Startled, Marinette dropped her broom.  "Marinette, did you see this?"  Alya asked shoving a paper in her friend's face.

Marinette took the paper and was horrified by what was written on it.  A drawing of Ladybug and Chat Noir with the words 'Wanted Dead or Alive' written across the top.  There was even a reward of 5,000 gold coins for their capture.

"Can you believe that wanna be king is calling Ladybug and Chat Noir criminals.  Honestly, they just saved not only Paris but also that boy," Alya said with frustration.

Marinette couldn't help but agree.  After all, she and Chat Noir did save Paris.  Guess Prince John doesn't like the idea of two strangers saving Paris.

Before long, Alya returned to the tavern leaving the wanted poster with Marinette, who pondered what to do.

Tikki noticed Marinette's concern, having overheard the conversation between her and Alya.  Tikki asked Marinette what she was going to do.  Marinette was silent.  She didn't know what to do.  If a bounty was on her head, then wouldn't it be better for Ladybug to disappear?

Marinette continued to think, her mind kept suggesting for her to quit being Ladybug.  Maybe it was the right thing to do.

"Marinette, you can't stop being Ladybug!" the little kwami exclaimed.  "If you do, then Hawkmoth wins.  Not only that, but Prince John will control Paris forever.   What about all the people who need you?  Chat Noir needs you too."

Chat Noir...has he seen the posters as well?  Is he aware of the bounty?  Will he continue?  Isn't he scared?

"Tikki.  Is there a way to contact Chat Noir?"

The kwami blinked in confusion.  Of course, there was a way, but why did she need to contact him?


Meanwhile, Prince Adrien continued his royal duties completely unaware of the bounty on Chat Noir's head.

As he worked, the memories of yesterday flowed through his mind.  He transformed into Chat Noir and saved a Parisian.  A citizen of his mother's homeland.  A smile formed on Adrien's face.  Although his mother was no longer with him, he felt her presence from above.  Adrien chuckled at the thought of his mother's worry.  How she would react to his transformation.  Calling him handsome and teasing him about his beautiful partner.

Wait...Beautiful?  Did he just think she was beautiful?  His partner...Ladybug...a girl he doesn't even know...

Before his thoughts could continue, they were interrupted by a small red bird landing on his desk.  He marveled at the bird's uniqueness.  A red bird?  Why was it here and more importantly, where did it come from?  Adrien placed a finger on the bird to pet it and it suddenly turned into a piece of paper.  Adrien was a bit disturbed, but at the same time curious.

"Oh, great, a messenger bird," Plagg said annoyed.

"Messenger bird?" Adrien asked curiously.

"Yeah, they're special birds that send messages between you and Ladybug," the kwami explained.

"And why is it that I'm only finding out about this now?" Adrien asked with his arms crossed.

"I forgot."

"And yet you never forget when you're hungry."

"It's instinct."

"You're just a floating stomach."

The kwami just shrugged his shoulders and sat next to the paper.  Adrien rolled his eyes, then picked up the paper.  The message read:

To my partner, Chat Noir,

I'm not sure if you've heard, but we've been labeled as fugitives in Paris.  Apparently, Prince John doesn't want us interfering in saving his people.  Clearly, he's hiding something and I bet it's his plan to take our miraculous with Hawkmoth.  The wanted posters have already spread not only in Paris but in Nottingham as well.  I don't think his majesty, King Gabriel, has been informed of what's going on.  It might be for the best that he doesn't know at all.

In any case, whether or not I have a bounty on my head I'm still going to defend Paris.  It was my parent's homeland and I will protect it at all costs.  I can't force you to continue working with me, nor do I ask you too.  I understand the dangers and I want to make sure that you're informed of them as well.  Meet me in Sherwood Forest at midnight tonight.  If you come, then I know you'll work with me to defeat the prince and Hawkmoth.    If you don't, then please...stay safe, Chatton.


Adrien was baffled by Ladybug's note.  Prince John put a bounty on their heads?  All he and Ladybug did was save a Parisian.   How does that warrant a bounty?  Then again, Ladybug did mention her suspicions of him and Hawkmoth wanting their miraculous.   Obviously, the bounty is just a ploy to get the ultimate prize.

"So, are you going?" asked the 'floating stomach' as he ate a piece of cheese.

Adrien looked at the kwami, then out the window.  "Midnight, huh?"


After a long day of work, Marinette laid in her bed asleep until she awoke upon midnight's close descent.  Jumping out of bed, she awoke her kwami and they ran out the door.  They moved through the sleeping town carefully as not to awake or draw suspicion to them.   Once they reached the edge of the forest, Marinette and Tikki entered.

"Ready, Tikki?" asked Marinette, ready to transform.

"Ready!" the little kwami replied.

"Tikki, spots on!"

In a flash of light, Marinette transformed into Ladybug, defender of Paris.   She walked further into the forest to wait for Chat Noir.  She didn't expect him to show up, nor did she want to work alone.  Apart of her wanted him to show up.  They worked so well together and even though they just met, she didn't want to say goodbye so soon.

"Why the long face, m'lady?"

She heard a voice and looked around.  The voice was very familiar.  She found the owner sitting in the tree above her with his right leg dangling as the rest of his body sat comfortably in the tree.

"Chat came..."

"Of course, I did," he said jumping down from the tree.   "I would never abandon you, partner."

Ladybug blushed a bit from his response, then smiled.  "Then, shall we?"

"After you."

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