Petite Chat

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Ladybug and Chat Noir understood the secret identity thing.  They were going up against the king of France and if he knew who their true identities, then a rope would be the end.

"So what power does Hawkmoth have?" Ladybug asked, curiously.

"He has the power to create akumas.  They're butterflies that he infuses with magical energy.  Once they are released the butterfly goes in search of someone that Hawkmoth deems worthy to be his follower.  When the butterfly finds its target it is absorbed into an object the person has on hand, something that channels their emotions.  That person then becomes Hawkmoth's servant and they have whatever power that is bestowed upon them," Master Fu explained.

"The how do we turn the akumatized victim back to normal?" Asked Chat Noir.




"That's right.  Not only do you have the power to create, but you also have the ability to purify the akumas.  Meaning, you're able to turn them back to harmless butterflies."

"Gee, no pressure," Ladybug laughed nervously.

"Don't worry, my lady.  I'll be right by your side.  We're in this together and we'll win together," Chat Noir said with a smile.

Ladybug relaxed, knowing someone was by her side made her feel less nervous.  Most of the pressure was taken away by the fact they were a team and neither one would disappoint the other.

"Now, it is getting late.  You both should head back before someone notices your gone," Master Fu said as he rose from his chair.

"He's right.  We'd better go, but how do we get out of here?" Asked Chat Noir.

"You both have proven yourselves to be good and the forest will take you wherever you want to go.  Be it the village or the palace, England or Paris."

"Hold on, you're telling me that this forest can magically send us to France?"

Master Fu slowly nodded as Chat Noir and Ladybug looked at each other with disbelief.  "We can discuss that weirdness later, right now I have to get back," Ladybug said as she walked out the door.

"Me too," Chat Noir said about to leave.

"Wait, Chat Noir," said Master Fu.

Chat Noir turned to him.  "I would like to discuss something with you.  Don't worry, it won't take long."

Chat Noir thought for a moment and he thought it would be okay to stay a little longer.  Normally, his servants or Nino wouldn't call on him til a bit later.

Chat Noir sat in the chair next to Master Fu.  "Now, Chat Noir.  I never imagined you would take French version instead.  I take it, it's because of your mother."

Chat Noir lowered his head and his eyes filled with sorrow as he clenched his fists.  "Yes.  I'm sorry I changed the name you gave me.  I guess when Ladybug asked for my name, my mind went to my mother and...Chat was the nickname she gave me.  She would call me her petite chaton.  Her little kitten.  And since I'm grown up, I guess now she would call me her petite chat, her little cat."

Tears ran down Chat's face at the memory of his mother.  He missed her so much.  Master Fu understood and comforted Chat.  He took Chat back to the forest and from there Chat returned to the forest edge that was at the palace.  The passage hidden behind the stone wall that he used to sneak out.  Chat looked around carefully before opening the passage.

Once opened, Chat ran inside with the wall closing behind him.  Chat detransformed back to Prince Adrien.  Plagg swirling out off the ring, landing on Adrien's shoulder.  He ran back to his room, which thankfully was empty.  No one had come to check on him.  Filled with relief and exhaustion, Adrien flopped on his bed.

Everything that happened wasn't a dream, at least a part of him hoped not.  Adrien hoped that the country his mother grew up in wouldn't be destroyed by that tyrant, Hawkmoth.  And if it was, Adrien wouldn't hesitate to dethrone Hawkmoth. 

For the first time in his life, Adrien has soemthing to believe in.  He believes that he and Ladybug will save not only Paris, but also the world from Hawkmoth's haenis plan.

"Mother, I'll make you proud.  And grandpa, I will save your kingdom.  I promise."

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