Defenders of Sherwood (2)

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Within the palace walls, a certain prince was getting a head start on his studies.  He thought it would be better to get an early start and have the rest of the day to himself.  Surprisingly, it paid off.  Adrien finished his studies before the sun had risen.  Which meant he had the whole day to himself, that is until he was given more work.

His stomach growled, demanding to give him food.  He obeyed and went to the kitchen for something to eat.  All the servants were in the kitchen preparing it for the day.  When Adrien walked in, one of them asked why he was up so early.  He told the servant of his early studies and the servant only laughed.

"That is a grand idea, your majesty.  The early bird gets the worm," the servant quoted.

"Yes, it does, doesn't it.  And this bird is hungry.  By any chance, is there anything I could eat?"

"What did you have in mind, your highness?"

"I was thinking maybe a slice of crumb cake, some bread, just something to hold over til breakfast."

"Oh, then how about a fruit tart?  We just made a fresh batch."


The servant smiled then took a plate, putting 2 tarts on it.  She gave the plate to Adrien, who in turn thanked her.  On the way back to his room, he took a bite out of the tart.  His taste buds rejoiced as such rich and delicious flavor.  When he got to his room, he opened the door to see a small black box on the table next to the window.  Curious, he shut the door behind him, then approached the small box.  He placed the plate of tarts on the table, then picked up the small box.  Underneath was a piece of paper folded in half.

Adrien picked up the paper and opened it to reveal a note.  It read...

A gift for you, Cat Noir. Wear this ring and go to Sherwood forest. There, you will find your most trusted Allie.  

At first, Adrien thought it was a joke from his father, then again, his father has no sense of humor.  Thinking it was real, Adrien opened the box and a bright light emitted from the box.  When the light dimmed, a small green ball of light faded to unveil of a tiny black creature with green cat eyes.  The creature yawned, stretching its tiny arms and feet.

"Woah, like the genie in the lamp," Adrien said reaching out to poke it.

"I met him once, so he grants wishes.  Big deal, I'm way more personable.  Plagg, nice to meet you."

Before Adrien could reply, the creature flew off in search of food.  He stopped when we saw the plate of fruit tarts on the table.  He approached them at first, then backed away in disgust.  "Got anything to eat?  I'm starving!"

"What do you even eat?  Forget that, what are you?"

"I'll tell you if you get me some Camembert."

"Camembert?  Seriously?"

"What? It's my favorite!  Now go get me some cheese!"

"Fine."  Obeying the bossy creature's orders, Adrien returned to the kitchen for the cheese.   When he got back, the creature dove into the cheese.  

"Alright, now that you've had your food, tell me what's going on."

"Okay, I'm a kwami and I've been sent here to help you defeat Prince John and Hawkmoth."

"Prince John?!"

"Yeah, they're threatening the safety of Paris, Sherwood, and Nottingham.  Which by the way is terrible for a village."

"What do you mean threatening?"

"Look if you want to find out more," Plagg chomped down on his last piece of cheese before continuing, "then you have to go Sherwood forest and once you're there I'll tell you what you do."

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