Solo Mission (2)

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Marinette awoke the next morning exhausted from last night's events.  She took a bath to help her body wake up, but she still felt tired.  Good thing she ran a bakery, some sugary sweets and tea should do her good.

Marinette and Tikki enjoyed some tea and danishes.  Tikki was eating to her heart's content; however, Marinette was distracted.  Last night's memories consumed her mind.

"Nathaniel..." she whispered.

The sweet boy she had met only a few years ago.  They were good friends, but she had no idea he had feelings for her.  And now, Hawkmoth used those emotions to control him.  Marinette felt she had to save him.  But as Marinette, not Ladybug.

Her mind then went to Chat Noir.  Tikki had told Marinette last night that she was the one who sent the message to Chat Noir.  Marinette smiled at his memory.  How he tried to save her, and how his green eyes showed worry.  She knew he wouldn't let her down.  Or better yet, Ladybug...

Marinette frowned, for she knew Chat Noir only cared for Ladybug.  Not Marinette.

She sighed.  She shouldn't be thinking about this!  After all, tonight Nathaniel would be free from Hawkmoth.  Thanks to Chat Noir's plan.  Marinette only hoped that it would work.

Marinette heard the bakery door open and immediately greeted the customer.  "Good morning, what can I do for you today?" she smiled.


Adrien yawned as he did his work.  Thanks to his late night, Adrien was exhausted.  He wanted to get this last bit of work done quickly so he could take a small nap.

"You wouldn't be so tired if you'd stayed home," Plagg commented as he swallowed a piece of cheese.

Adrien glared at the kwami.  "Plagg, that girl was in danger!  Besides, I wouldn't have been able to sleep if I had just ignored Ladybug's message."

"Ladybug, Ladybug, Ladybug," Plagg rolled his eyes.  "You only met her a few times and you're hung up on her."

"No, I'm not," Adrien denied.  "She's my partner Plagg and even if I did have feelings for her, which I don't, we can't know each other's identities.  So what's the point?"

"Well, what about that girl you saved last night?"

"You mean Marinette?"

"Yeah, she's cute."

"If you're suggesting I have feelings for Marinette after just meeting her, you couldn't be more wrong."

"Now, I may not be Cupid, heck I don't want to be Cupid.  But when I was in your ring, I saw and felt how you were feeling.  It was really sappy."

Adrien gave the kwami a strange look.  The poor prince had no idea was this cheese eating kwami was talking about.  Sure, he was impressed by how brave she was.  But other than her soft voice, enchanting bluebell eyes, and caring smile, she was just a regular person who needed his help.

Plagg knew his owner was in complete denial.  However, the kwami ignored it and decided to let nature take its course.

Later that night...

Adrien was able to take a nap after finishing his morning work.  He felt refreshed and was able to sneak out undetected.  He ran into the forest and transformed into Chat Noir, then headed the village.  As usual, the forest knew exactly where to take him.  Using his chat-like abilities, he jumped atop the village houses.  He walked with careful steps and accurate balance.  Adrien loved being Chat Noir, he felt that he could truly help people.  He also enjoyed the new powers as well.

His green eyes searched the town.  He'd never seen Nottingham before.  He figured it'd be busy during the day,  but at night...the peace and quiet...

Adrien sighed.  He wanted to enjoy this more, but he couldn't.  Right now, he had a mission and that was capturing the akuma.  Using his new abilities, Chat Noir leaped across the houses to Marinette's bakery.  He told her to wait for her in the bakery and to leave the door unlocked.

His feet landed on the house across from Marinette's bakery.  From there, he could see her waiting for him in the darkness.  The moon did very little to provide her with light.  He quickly jumped down and entered her bakery.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," he bowed.

Marinette smiled and went along with his little act.  "Lift your head, good sir.  You haven't kept me waiting long."

Chat Noir raised his head and stood before her.  He grinned and stared at Marinette.  Her smile was so bright.  The sun paled in comparison.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yes," she nodded.

Before Chat could say anything, he heard a small thump.  He knew the akuma was here and was ready to take Marinette.  Chat behind the counter and listened carefully to their conversation.

Marinette had told him about the boy who had been akumatized.  How he was her friend and that his feelings for her caused him to be akumatized.  Chat was disgusted by Hawkmoth.  He used an innocent person's emotions and not just any emotion, he used love.  Love was the purest of any emotion.  The former queen taught Adrien that.

Chat heard the akuma take Marinette away and he carefully followed them.  Thanks to his cat-like abilities, he was able to successfully follow them without being detected.  His main goal was to be as quiet as possible.  One wrong move and the akuma could harm Marinette.  Without Ladybug around, he had to be extremely careful.

Chat noir watched as the akuma took Marinette on a small boat.  He then drew her a rose and placed it in her hair.  Marinette blushed a little, which made Nathaniel smile.

"Sit Marinette," he gestured.  "I have a surprise for you."

Marinette sat down and watched as Nathaniel drew the moon.  It shined brightly over the river and the music he played was beautiful.  He sat down next to Marinette.  "I'm glad you like it," he smiled.

Chat didn't know why, but he felt a sting in his heart.  Maybe he was nervous..then again...

"Stay focused," he whispered to himself, shaking his head.

He climbed atop a nearby tree and carefully watched from above.  His plan seemed to work until a single leaf fell from the branch.  Evilillustrator saw the leaf from the corner of his eye and immediately attacked.  He drew a saw that cut down the tree Chat Noir was on.  With a crash, the tree fell to the ground and Chat Noir along with it.

His cover was blown!  Now, he had to fight the akuma alone.  Chat dodged every attack thrown at him.  Evilillustrator kept Marinette behind him as to protect her, but she knew Chat Noir needed her.

She grabbed Nathaniel's face and kissed him.  The boy's eyes widened, and Chat  Noir felt a sting.  Why was Marinette kissing him?  Then Chat realized that she was distracting him.  Chat leaped forward and grabbed the akuma's tool of art.  Evilillustrator broke the kiss and pushed Marinette aside realizing her deception.  He was heartbroken.

"Marinette....Why?" he croaked.

"Because I want the old Nathaniel back!  The Nathaniel who is my friend and would never hurt a fly!" she shouted.  "Chat run!"

Chat Noir didn't want to leave Marinette, but he had to get the pencil away from the boy.  "I'll come back for you!  I promise!" he shouted as he ran away.

The akuma immediately followed after Chat, leaving Marinette alone with her kwami.  

"Tikki, spots on!"


I am so sorry!!  This hiatus was a total accident.  You see, I was behind on the chapters, so I had to write another one, but I did not expect to go on hiatus like that.  Again, I am so sorry and just know my updates will be back to normal!  Yay!  (Unless I fall behind again) Bye!  :)

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