Final Battle (4)

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The sun had barely pierced the horizon when they dispersed into Sherwood forest. According to Rena's illusion, it seemed Hawkmoth had already prepared his army. He had akumatized almost all Parisians.  The situation was looking pretty grim. Mainly because Ladybug would have to save them all and it would hard with a single arrow.

Nevertheless, while the army of England pursued into Paris, the team hid under the blanket of Sherwood. The forest was on their side and would ensure their protection. From their perched trees, the team was able to see everything. The soldiers fought against the akumas while at the same time being protected by the joy miraculous. From what they had gathered, negative emotions are what cause akumas to take over. Pigletta was on the battlefield fighting against the akumas along with Viperion, King Monkey, and Pegasus. Carapace stayed behind to protect the England castle.

While they pressed on, Chat Noir, Ladybug, and Rena Rouge entered deeper into the forest. They were taken to the forest's edge that oversaw the French castle. There were guards as well as some akumas, but the team passed by with ease.

"Looks like everything is going according to plan," Chat Noir whispered, as they entered the tower.

"I know," replied Ladybug. "And that's what worrying me."

"What do you mean?" asked Rena Rouge.

"Don't you think that everything has been a little too easy? I mean, you'd expect the main base to be the most heavily guarded place in all of France, but it's not."

The group's faces fell. It was too easy, and even if it was a trap, the only way to get to the bottom of it was to spring it. "There's only one way to find out," stated Rena Rouge. "We have to spring the trap."

Everyone nodded and proceeded forward. Hawkmoth's lair was in the castle basement. As expected, it was easy to get to, but they still kept their guard up. When they reached the stairway that led to the bottom floor, the team ran down ready to confront the man who caused so much destruction.

As they ran down the stairs, the team prepared themselves for whatever they were about to face. However, when they reached the bottom of the stairs, no one was there. The cellar was empty. The team split up and observed their surroundings carefully. They saw numerous white butterflies fluttering in the air, so this was his lair, but where was he?

"Hey, guys," Rena called. "Come look at this."

Ladybug and Chat Noir ran over to their teammate. She pointed to a book. It looked like a large dictionary with dust all over it. However, what scared them was the symbol in the book. It was the same as the boxes with the miraculous.

Ladybug picked up the book and opened it. The pages were filled with countless images of people with miraculous. The same ones they held and more.  

"Hold on, this doesn't make any sense," Chat Noir broke the silence. "This looks like the book Master Fu has, so why is it here, and where's Hawkmoth?"

It was strange that this important book was left out in open, and its owner was nowhere in sight. "Rena Rouge," Ladybug called. "what's the situation on the battlefield?"

"Oh, it's the same."

"Only akumas?"


Just then, Laydbug's eyes widened.  Now she got it. Just as they set a trap, so did their enemies. 

"We need to get back to England!" Ladybug ran out of the room, still holding the book.

Her friends followed her out. Based on her reaction, they knew it was something serious. When they reached outside, the trio was confronted with guards. Using their powers, they escaped the guards. When they entered the forest, Chat Noir asked, "What's wrong M'Lady?"

"It was a diversion," she began. "Hawkmoth knew that we would be coming for him, and he anticipated an ambush."

"So, he sent his akumas into Paris because he knew that would be the first place we went to," Rena Rouge interjected.


"But what was his real objective?"

Chat Noir's eyes widened. "My father...."

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