The War Begins! (15+)

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Warning: This one is kinda disturbing for many readers due to war and deaths of our beloved Nintendo canon characters.

Once upon a time, there was a peaceful land of Loganville. Until one day, a group of robots attacking the land and slaying the people. The only thing could stop them is a powerful crown, getting ready to be used to defeat the evil forces. Unfortunately the robots found it and keep it sealed away from the goods.


Mario: I heard that they had a very powerful crown that can destroyed them. We have to take down the robots from enslaving the world!

Luigi: But Mario! How do we able to get it with these guys around? And what about the children?

Mario: No worry, Luigi! Peach will take care of them! Ok Peach, get them to safety somewhere!

Peach: I will, Mario!

Peach then takes Baby Mario and Baby Luigi to somewhere else.

Mario: Ok everyone! Are you ready?

Everyone: Yes!

Mario: Alright, let's go!

Robot Base, outside:

Mario: Ok, we're here. But who's going to open the gate?

Wario: Wahaha! We'll do it!

Waluigi: Yeah!

Wario: Now I'm going to dash though to break open the gate! Waaaaaaaa!!!!!!!


Waluigi: Wario! No! You'll pay for this!

Luigi: Mario! What's that in the sky?

Mario: It's Yoshi!

Yoshi: Mario! It's us!

Koopa: We're going to shoot down and I'll dive into the base and opened the gate for you!

Yoshi set off a bomb that destroy some of the robots! Koopa then jumped off the plane and landed safely into the ground! He then opened the gate.

Koopa: Ok guys! It's all done! Now we have to-


Yoshi: Koopa! No!

Robot Guard 1: Get all of the trespassers!

Mario: Guys! We have to run though the door!

Robot Guard 2: Shoot down that plane!

The robot guard fired their laser at the plane! It exploded! Killing Yoshi!

Luigi: Yoshi!

Waluigi: Mario! Luigi! You go get the crown while I defend these robots off!

Mario and Luigi went into the base!

Robot Base:

Mario: Ok Luigi, the crown should be someway else.

Luigi: Look Mario! That's the entrance to the crown! But it's guarded by the robots! How are we going to do?

Waluigi: Watch out! Guys! Waluigi's coming to destroy the robots!

Waluigi then takes his guns out and starts shooting the robot guards! The robots are down! But Waluigi got shot!

Waluigi: Wahaha...Waluigi's....Number one!.....

Mario: Waluigi! Are you ok?

Waluigi: Waluigi'! I...promised!

Mario: Don't worry, Waluigi! Medical will help you! Waluigi?

He's not moving at all.

Luigi: Oh no...

Mario: There's no time to waste, we have to get the crown!

Crown Sealing Realm:

Mario: Come on, Mario. You can do it.

Mario takes the crown from its place!

Luigi: You did it, Mario! Now we have to-


Mario: LUIGI!!!!!

Luigi: M-Mario?

Luigi then collapsed onto the floor.

Mario: Luigi! Please wake up! I don't want to lose you!

???: Who dare to take the rare crown away from us?

Mario: You....

???: Is it I, the Robot King!

Robot King: I ruled all of the robot species from another planet! But when our planet is dying, we traveled to Earth to enslave all humans like you and take over the world as our new home planet!

Mario: That's not fair! Why you guys can't get along with Humans?!

Robot King: Because when we arrived on Earth, humans are welcoming us as our new home. But however, they used us for works and treated us like slaves. I have enough! I decided to start a genocide to kill and enslave all humans as revenge!

Mario: You will pay for killing my brother!

Robot King: What?!

Mario puts on his crown and starts to unleashes a powerful wave then destroyed the Robot King and every robots around the world! Destroying the base properly!

Aftermath, ruins of the Robot Base:

Mario:'m sorry.....I wish I could go with you all.....but I'm too weak....I'm going to.....join the the afterlife.....

And then, a police car drives by. Officer Goodman gets off the car and walks over to Mario.

Mario: G-Goodman?

Goodman: Mario?


After the final words, Mario dies.

Goodman: I'm sorry I couldn't save you....

And so the war has ended, but many lives were lost....

Meanwhile with Peach

Peach: Please take care of our children...

Peach then ran off and was never seen again.

Harold: Oh! My grandchildren! Come to grandpa!

Ruins of the Robot Base:

Carlos: Whoa! What's going on here? Señor?

King Strongbottom: There was a huge war going on. And many lives were taken. 

Carlos: Señor! I found a crown! 

King Strongbottom: Hmm....this crown is a rare type of crown I saw. That's the perfect crown we want!

Carlos: But what should we do about it?

King Strongbottom: I think we should placed it in our castle's dungeon! This crown will be for our first-born son when he grows up!

Many years after the war, the story of Mario defeated the robots have been forgotten and has become a legend.

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