The Police Dog Alternate Scenes (Filler Episode)

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Author's Note: Based on a roleplay that me and zerinispan did on Discord

Scene 1

It all start off with the scene where Brooklyn and Simmons were playing I Spy, that is until...

Brooklyn: Is it the cold setting?

Simmons: No, mate-

Brooklyn: Huh ok, I give up.

Simmons: It was that frisbee on the ground.

Romance Music start playing in the background

Brooklyn: Oh yeah?

Simmons: ..yeah-

Brooklyn: I can't stop looking yours...

Simmons: Your eyes look nice...

As these two getting closer, Brooklyn took off his hat and covered his and Simmons' mouth so SML watchers couldn't see them actually kiss.

After that, Brooklyn put his police hat back on after the kiss is over.

Brooklyn: That was so gay.

Simmons: i kinda agree, mate.

Then, they got a call.

Brooklyn: Come on, Simmons. Let's respond to this noise complaint!

Simmons: Again?

Scene 2

Simmons jumped out of the way and took the bullet for Brooklyn.

Brooklyn: You SHOT my partner!!! SIMMONS!!! OH GOD WHY???

It cut to the hospital

Brooklyn: Simmons!!! Please don't die!!! I need you!!! You're my partner!!! Oh look! Here comes the doctor!!! Please tell me is he gonna make it?!

Doctor: Hey there, there's no easy way to say this but...he's not gonna make it.

Brooklyn: No! Please doctor please!!! There has to be something you can do!!! Save my partner's life!!!

Doctor: I'm sorry, he was shot in the heart. Nobody can survive that. He's gone.

Brooklyn: NOOOOO!!!!! Simmons I'm gonna miss you! I didn't even tell my feelings to him!

Brooklyn: Before I go, I want to share this to you.

Brooklyn slowly went closer at Simmons and kissed him on the lips.

Brooklyn: I love you, Simmons. Thank you for being with me for 13 years.

Then, he rewound the heart rate monitor which turned out to be just a Youtube video. Simmons woke up.

Simmons: Hh.. what happened?-

Brooklyn: Simmons! You're alive! Listen I want to tell this for so long.

Simmons: Go ahead I guess, mate.

Brooklyn: I f**king love you! I want to tell my feelings about you but I just can't! Also I kissed you while you're dead.

Simmons: ...excuse me?

Brooklyn: Well we did almost kissed back in the car.

Romance Music start playing in the background

Brooklyn: So, do you want to do that again?

Simmons: I'm dating your mom-

Brooklyn: Don't worry, we're not going to tell my mom and Karen about this.

Simmons: ...Shouldn't you get a divorce...

Brooklyn: S-shut up and just kiss me already!

Simmons: Fine!-

Brooklyn and Simmons went closer to each other and kissed on the lips, but this time really deep. It took them a minute to finally release from the kiss.

Simmons: mmm...

Brooklyn: Ok, maybe we should stop now...people may saw us. Damn, hopefully no one is recording us kissing!

Simmons: we should go to your house, mate-

Brooklyn: Well, hopefully no one will realize what we did.

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