Junior The Life Saver!

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Nighttime, Boss' bedroom

Boss: Oh man, I can't believe I didn't attend Junior's 13th birthday and I was so got damn busy watching TV! I wonder what else I could do to make this up for him?

The next day, House, Kitchen

Chef Pee Pee: Ok, the food is done! Boss, breakfast's ready!

But no one come.

Chef Pee Pee: Huh, strange. He always come down here everytime I called him.

Junior: Hey Chef Pee Pee! Oh wait, dad's not here?

Chef Pee Pee: Yeah, for some reasons, he didn't come for some breakfast I made for him.

Junior: I bet he's too busy watching Charleyyy and Friends, didn't bother to eat food like my birthday!

Chef Pee Pee: Anyway Junior, how about we just have breakfast then talk about this later?

*Phone rings*

Junior: I think my phone's ringing.

Chef Pee Pee: Just answer it!

Junior: Ok! Ok! Jeez. Wait, it's my dad! *He picks up his phone and answers.* Hello? Dad? Why are not coming to eat food huh? Because you're too busy watching Charleyyy?

Boss: Hello?! Junior is that you? I need help!

Junior: What?! Dad?! What's wrong?!

Boss: I-I have been kidnapped! And I don't know who did it! I could not see his face!

Junior: Kidnapped?! How?!

Boss: I don't know! I fell asleep and now I'm here!

Junior: Where are you?!

Chef Pee Pee: Junior, what's going on?! Give me your phone!

Junior: Oh-um ok, Chef Pee Pee. Sorry dad.

Junior gives his phone to Chef Pee Pee

Chef Pee Pee: Boss?! What's going on here?!

Boss: I got kidnapped! I'm being held in a warehouse not far away!

Chef Pee Pee: Also how do you access your phone?!

Boss: The kidnapper took my phone but I begged him to give it back to me so I can call you guys!

Chef Pee Pee: How much dollars the kidnapper want?

Boss: Um, 99999 dollars!

Chef Pee Pee: What?! Are you freaking kidding me?! I have waste all my money to save you?! 

Boss: Yes! I think there are lots in my bedroom! Just hurry! He said you have only an hour to do!

Chef Pee Pee: Look, I hate you but I'm not that cruel to leave you die!

Boss: Just hurry up! Oh god I think I'm gonna-

The phone call ends.

Chef Pee Pee: Boss?!

Junior: Dad?! Oh no! We have to save him!

Chef Pee Pee: He said there are money in his bedroom. Wait I know! They're under the mattress! I tried to take some of them but Boss noticed and he almost tried to make me go swimming with the fishes!

Junior: Come on! Chef Pee Pee! Let's grab some of them!

Chef Pee Pee: Wait! I think we need 99999 dollars.

Junior: Um ok.

Boss' bedroom

Junior: There! Found it!

Chef Pee Pee: Great! Now let's go to the warehouse! But...how do we got there?

Junior: Look! I think dad left a check mark on the location.

Chef Pee Pee: Awesome! Let's go!

Outside of the Warehouse

Junior: Ok, we're here. But I'm scared, what if the kidnapper had already done something harmful to dad?

Chef Pee Pee: Oh don't worry, Junior. I promise he would be fine. Anyway let's go in.

Inside of the Warehouse

Chef Pee Pee: Hello? Boss?

Brooklyn Guy: Oh hey, Chef Pee Pee. You're here.

Chef Pee Pee: Brooklyn Guy?! You're the kidnapper?!

Brooklyn Guy: Yes I am, you got the money?

Chef Pee Pee: Why do you do this? I thought we were-

Brooklyn Guy: Normally I would tell the truth but I can't right now. Now where's the money?

Chef Pee Pee: Ok here! Just take it! I don't care anymore!

Brooklyn Guy: Wait, it's 122.33 short.

Chef Pee Pee: Wait what?! I thought I-

Junior: Sorry Chef Pee Pee, I just go on smlmerch.com and Logan just made a new mini plush bundle. I found it cute so I pre-order them. Guys if you read this, don't forget to check-


Junior: But why? You're cute in your mini plush form!

Chef Pee Pee: Oh. My. F***ing. GOD!!! You blew it! Now your dad's gonna die thanks to you!

Boss: Hey, what's taking so long?!

Junior: Dad?!

Chef Pee Pee: You're completely fine!

Boss: Oh did I scared you? It was all a set up!

Chef Pee Pee: Set up?!

Brooklyn Guy: Yes, dude payed me to make it like he was kidnapped by me. I thought this was the dumbest idea I've ever heard.

Chef Pee Pee: ...

Boss: Chef Pee Pee? What's wrong, dude? I thought it was-

Chef Pee Pee: BOSS!!!!!!!!

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