The Zombie Apocalypse! Part 2 (17+)

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Warning: This one is kinda disturbing for many readers due to zombified and death.

Author's Note:

This was written before it was confirmed to be a dream, however this is a deleted scene. Also this was set after the first part.

There are spoilers in this part if you haven't watch the first one yet so link to Part 1 of SML Movie: The Zombie Apocalypse!

Anyway sit back and enjoy!

Goodman's Mansion

Richard: Where the hell is dad?! I need him to give me money!!!

*Door bell sound rings*

Richard: Ugh, who's that?!

Door Entrance

Richard: Hello?

Simmons: Hey kid, we have to get out of this place, now!

Richard: Excuse me sir! I don't know what are you taking about!

Simmons: This is a serious emergency, we have to leave now!

Richard quickly shut the door.

Richard: Ugh what the hell is up with that guy?! Anyway I'm going to check on Ben.

Richard and Benjamin's bedroom

Richard: Benjamin! It's time for bed! Benjamin?

Benjamin doesn't seem quite right. He was laying not moving.

Richard: Ben! Don't put pranks on me! You know I hate that!

Benjamin got up and it turned out he was turned into a zombie!

Richard: Holy s***! Ben what the f*** happening to you?! *He saw some candies from Benjamin's crib* How the f*** they got here?!

Suddenly, Benjamin crawled out his crib and slowly crawling toward Richard!

Richard: Oh my Goodman I'm leaving this house! 

Door Entrance

Richard quickly ran toward the door entrance and opened it.

Simmons: Oh hey kid, you finally come out? 

Richard: Yes sir! Sorry about what happened, let's go!

They quickly got onto the police car and Simmons driven away from the mansion.

Survivor Camp

Richard and Simmons arrived at a camp, when they got there, Richard saw some people he knew!

Richard and Simmons arrived at a camp, when they got there, Richard saw some people he knew!

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