Meet the Mirror Counterparts!

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Today, we're gonna meet some of the mirrored counterparts from another universe after the story "Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast!"!

Scooter, the mirror counterpart of Jeffy. He wears a blue shirt with his name on it. He's the only one in this timeline to have a soul and a heart. (Yes, no one is this mirror universe had a soul because love doesn't exist.) Scooter was taken in by his adopted father after his mother was killed by the angry mob just because she had a soul like her son. He recently escaped from the harsh reality by going into the universe where the series takes place after he saw Chef Pee Pee cooking some great food since his chef from his home universe's cooking are bad.

Melvin, the mirror counterpart of Marvin, he's Scooter's father. His outfit is a recolor version of his regular counterpart's outfit, which is grey instead of red. Unlike Marvin, Melvin extremely hates Scooter with a burning passion and would often harm him in a brutal way, like a belt. His personality is very similar to Mario's 2016 - 2017 personality, but more crueler. He has a wife which is the mirror counterpart of Rose but her status is deceased before the events of SML: A New Generation.

Chef Poo Poo, the mirror counterpart of Chef Pee Pee. He wears a dark, black version of Chef Pee Pee's white chef clothes. Like Melvin, he's also not a nice person. Also he tried to poison people with his bad cooking.

Mr. Badman, the mirror counterpart of Mr. Goodman. Unlike his regular counterpart, Badman is, irony, a good person, despite his name. Like Goodman, he's a multi-billionaire who lives in a mansion.

Kody, the mirror counterpart of Cody. He really likes to eat people's eyeballs for some reasons. It turns out that his sister Katy was kidnapped and brutally tortured and died with her eyes being gouged out. Kody killed her kidnappers by eating their eyes off as revenge. He, along with Junier, was sent to the regular universe to cause chaos.

Junier, the mirror counterpart of Junior. He loves to kidnapped kids. The backstory is that as a child, he got kidnapped and taken away from his dad. This cause him to grew up into started kidnapping children and killing them.

Jaseph, the mirror counterpart of Joseph. He's the leader of the gang that Kody and Junier were in. His job was launching many terrorist attacks on random places...for fun! His backstory is that he was never love by anyone, even his parents. His personality is similar to Joseph's 2020 personality.

Unnamed mirror version of Bully, is the mirror counterpart of Bully. He's friends with Scooter after Scooter gave a soul to him. But one day, Mirror Bully was sent to the military school and while he was there. The military school was under attacked by one of the terrorist attacks from Jaseph. Mirror Bully survived barely, but he's in a mysterious place. Since he knew he's not gonna last longer, he encouraged Jeffy, who mistaken him as Scooter, told him to look out for two unwanted visitors (Kody and Junier) before dying.

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