Chapter 10

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Maylyn's POV-

Tris looks infuriated and Four appears to be a wounded puppy dog. Before I can insert myself into their conversation and a shoe is thrown at my head. Only barely missing but enough to make my hair move.

"Whoa!" Zeke shouts out as the shoe hits his arm. "What was that for?"

"You have a lot of guts showing your face to me, Brooke." Tris's voice drips with venom as she makes her way over to me.

I throw my arms up in cover my face and drop into a squatting position to protect my torso. "I am not Brooklyn! I am Maylyn. Please, do not hit me."

I bring my arms down slowly to see if Tris is still planning on injuring me. I lowered them all the way when I notice Tris is staring at me, it seems like she is going over every detail of my appearance to see if I am telling the truth. I finally stand up all the way when I believe I am no longer in danger.

"Why did she do it?" Tris asks me with a blank face. "What did she gain from doing it?"

"I asked her the same things and more."

"Oh, so you knew and didn't tell me?" I see how that looks bad.

"I only-."

"What is going on?" Zeke interrupts my response. "Tris, what happened?"

Four walks up to Zeke and motions for Zeke to follow him.

"You might as well tell him here." Tris chides.

Four stays quiet so I speak up. "Look Tris, I barely found out today about Brooklyn kissing Four."

"She did what?" Zeke exclaims, I shoot him a glance and he backs off.

"To me," I point to myself. "I think it was harmless. I think it was a stupid mistake that would never happen again. Am I right, Four?"

Four simply nods his head.

I continue. "Obviously, I cannot make you change your mind about any of the actions, as I would not agree with them either. However, Four is wracked with remorse and is very upset at what he did. I think you should see about possibly being able to forgive him."

"Wait, if she kissed him, what do I have to forgive him about?" My eyes snap in Four's direction.

Four, you idiot. Why did you not tell her everything?

"Four?" Tris crosses her arm. "What is Maylyn talking about?"

"Tris, I can explain." Four starts, "I-I didn't mean to-."

"No, just stop. This is done, I am done. You had your chance to explain everything and you still left out the most important part."

Tris turns around and starts walking away. Four instantly starts running after her. "Tris, wait, I didn't have the time to explain."

Zeke puts his hand on my arm. "You kinda messed that up for him."

"As if!" I swat his hand away. "I am not responsible for him making out with my sister."

"He made out with her?" Zeke exclaims. "I missed so much."

"Mhm," I start to walk away from Zeke but then I remember our earlier conversation causing me to go back to him. "We need to finish our earlier conversation."

Zeke's eyes scan the room, "not here." He proceeds to drag me outside.

"Why Erudite?" I say once Zeke stops walking.

"Four needs insight on what they are planning." Zeke locks his eyes on mine. "You cannot tell anyone about what I am going to tell you. Not even Brooke. I need you to have a level head and no bias."

I process everything Zeke said before responding. "I can promise secrecy but I cannot guarantee keeping a level head. Before Dauntless, I could have but all of the training has challenged that. I can promise I will try though. I am concerned you think I will have a bias. I left Erudite for many reasons, Dauntless is my home, my loyalty lies here."

"That is exactly what I wanted to hear." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"How can my uncertainty with being level headed be what you wanted to hear?"

"It shows you aren't being overconfident. Anyways, let's not over-analyze. I have little information but what I do know is Four believes Eric is working with Erudite. He wants me to figure out exactly what they are planning. I need your help because you know their faction layout."

"Why would Eric be working with Erudite? And why does that knowledge make Four what to investigate?"

"We don't know why he would but it is suspicious that the leader of a faction is working with another faction. It comes down to loyalties. Is he meeting with them to have Erudite took over Dauntless? Is he meeting with them to took over there faction? Maybe another faction? We don't know and we need to know." 

I nod my head once rather slowly. "Good point. Although, I am struggling to see why you would choose me. You made the point of me knowing the layout but that is the only benefit I provide. I could draw a map if that is all you need me for."

"Yes, you could but you are more resourceful than just that. You were Erudite-born, you understand their big words and complex sentences. You would blend in."

"Great," I roll my eyes. I am doing everything in my power to fit in here and I am still conveying I would be a better Erudite member. "What happens when they spot us? What happens when Eric finds out what we are doing? You have seen me fight, I am not equip. Or is that the objective? Me being the person you guys let fall so you can get away."

"No, no, no." Zeke grabs onto my shoulders, "Stop thinking like that. Maylyn, you are way over-complicating this. I will make sure you are well prepared if you still want to do this. Before we go you will learn how to shot a gun, how to throw a knife, and how to fight. I need you equip not only to be able to save your own life but mine as well if it comes down to it. I can't promise Erudite and Eric will not find out about this but Four and I have almost every detail planned out to avoid that. Given that information, are you all in or are you out?"

"I am in with the one exception that I will not blindly follow any plans. I am brave not stupid. I want to be fully debriefed and if plans need to change, I need to know you will listen to me and we will work together to make the best decision."

Zeke flashes his toothy grin and puts his hand out for me to shake. "Deal."


"Maylyn! Wait up." I turn around to see Peter running to catch up to me. "Wanna go zip-lining?"

Do I want to go zip-lining? Do I willingly want to throw myself off a building to sail over the ground? No. No, I do not.

"I can see the hesitation in your eyes," Peter snaps me out of my anxious thoughts. "It will be fun, I promise. An added bonus is you will get to spend more time with me."

Peter flashes me his million dollar smile, making me feel like he could convince me to do anything.

"Well, how can I say no to that?" I smile back at him.

Even though there are a million and a half reasons how I could say no, I really want to spend more time with Peter. I like him and I want to see what will come out of this situation-ship.

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