Chapter 27

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Brooklyn's POV-

*Two Days Later*

"Maylyn, come on. Get up, Maylyn!" My throat feels scratchy as I scream louder for my twin to respond to my plea. "Come on, May. Don't you dare give up on me."

"Brooke, we've got to go. She's gone." Four says gingerly. "We've got to go before they kill you too." I stare at my twin as I struggle against Four grip. May isn't dead she's just unconscious.

*Back to Two Days Perviously*

Tori finishes up on my tattoo on my shoulder. Maylyn continues to look over my tattoo while we wait for Jack to finish her tat. I want to talk about her and Zeke but she quickly shuts down the starter conversation.

"It's done." Damn, the white is bright. It sticks out against Maylyn's slightly tan skin.

Maylyn thoroughly examines the tattoo. "Jack, that's awesome. Thank you so much."

"Welcome." Jack smiles at his masterpiece.

Maylyn and I walk out of the tattoo parlor. Marlene had left earlier saying she wants to talk later.

"Hey, we should go out by the train tracks." Maylyn suggests and I nod.

We head in the direction of the train that took Hale away from the compound..., the same train that almost took my sister away.

"Ok, I have a few things to come clean about." May blurts. I sit down on the ground in front of the worn out tracks. Maylyn quickly takes a seat next to me. "Zeke and I were in a fake relationship, Four wants me to redo the faction test because he believes I'm Divergent, like you. Also, the leaders are working with Erudite to manipulate the Dauntless members to attack Abnegation in two days." I speak quickly.

"...holy shit. This compound is going to literally get us killed." I say in disbelief.

"Right but tomorrow be careful. The second needle they stick into your neck is the one that carries the simulator. After it settles in, we are screwed and in their control." I sat there in shock. "For what I know, it shouldn't work until the next day."

"Wait, you also said that yours and Zeke's relationship was fake. What is up with that?"

"Uh..., it was a distraction that wasn't needed."

I sigh at her lack of explanation. "May, I can tell you have more you want to say. What happened between you two?"

"I thought it was real." May voice cracks and is barely audible.

"I'll kick his ass." Maylyn softly yet sarcastically laughs like I'm kidding. She wipes under her eyes signifying that May is crying. "He isn't worth it."

"But what if he is?"

"May, give it some time. No use in crying over him."

"You're right." Maylyn never cries, never. She could fall down sixteen flights of stairs and not shred a single tear. Even when Caleb shattered her, it was minimal crying.

"Of course, I am. Now, what about the part of Four redoing the faction test?" I ask.

Maylyn sighs. "He said, he would figure out a way to test me to see if I am really Divergent or not."

"But the test should have done that."

"Right? He says, it didn't go long enough for an accurate answer."

"Well, let's go talk with him. Maybe he conjured up a plan. If not I have a rough, roundabout idea." She hesitantly nods her head.

We enter the compound again and walk to The Pit. I spot Zeke and Four standing next to each other on the opposite side of The Pit from us. They look like they are having a quiet arguing session.

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