Chapter 22

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Brooklyn's POV-

I don't know if I should be excited to see Cameron or if I should run in the other direction. I know if I take off it would be pointless, after all he is my brother but..., I don't know.

"Brooke." Cameron politely says as he walks closer to me. "I've heard that's what you go by now."

"You say that as if you didn't already know before you arrived here." I state.

Cameron sighs. "Not that again."

"Well, when you work with Johanna Reyes to spy on Dauntless and Erudite, I'm going to bring it up whenever I find it necessary. Which seeming that those are both my present and past factions, I'll bring it up quite often."

"I told you that because I didn't think you would explode it in my face every time you saw me." Cameron informs me, slight irritation is noticeable in his voice.

"I guess I missed that part of the conversation." I smirk.

"Sure." Cameron starts to stare off in space then snaps back to reality. "How is initiation going for you?"

"I came in first, Cam." I smile genuinely. "During all the fighting, I forgot to look at the board for the fear landscapes that we just completed."

"Do you want to go look?" Cameron asks.

I feel uneasy. I know I wouldn't be in last, there is no way. I'm kind of worried about Maylyn though. "Sure." I finally answer back.

Cameron leads the way to the battle arena. I walk slowly up to the board and see that I am second ranked. Uriah is in first, with Hunter in third, Maylyn is ranked fourth, Peter is ranked fifth, and Christina takes sixth. Marlene and Hale are ranked last for timing in the fear landscape. I knew that they would be dropping Hale. Marlene is ranked eighth overall so she's not going anywhere but that leaves it down to Maylyn. I can't help but gulp. I don't know how many times Maylyn can escape before becoming factionless. Maylyn had done really well with the fear landscape but she is ranked down so low with points that the only reason she isn't last was because of Hale being horrible at..., well everything. It kills me to see Maylyn try really hard to come up with nothing every time. It is quite devastating.

"That's not good." I say to Cameron while shaking my head.

"What? You ranked second and Maylyn ranked fourth. What isn't good about that?" Cameron asks astonished.

"This is just the number and timings for the fear landscape...," Cameron cuts me off.

"Brooklyn, that timing on yours, it is really good." Cameron points to my timing of eight minutes. "Uh, Brooke, are you Divergent?"

I gulp. I'm not suppose to tell anyone but he is my brother. He is also an Amity spy. "Uh, a what?"

"Oh no." Cameron shakes his head. "You are and you suck at trying to hide things from me. Is Maylyn as well?"

I shrug. "If she is, I wouldn't know."

"Her timing isn't that bad either." Cameron notices.

"I noticed that. She didn't take much longer than me." It felt longer than that but Maylyn's time is marked at ten minutes. Which makes it top everyone times when you bring it down to how long each fear took her. She is fourth because it is based off of the number of fears. She has less than a minute for each fear. On the opposite end of the spectrum from mine, you have Hale. Who has thirty fears and is still in Dauntless? She must have been with Eric because there is no other plausible way that could happen.

"Thirty fears, is she afraid of everything she walks by?" Cameron pretends to be walking then jumps. "Oh no, a person!" I have to laugh at his imitation of Hale, it is pretty hilarious.

"Uh..., is everything okay in here?" The voice belongs to the one person I thought wouldn't talk to me for a while.

"Four?" I stupidly ask, I shake my head and change my question. "What are you doing here?"

"I was seeing who was still in here." Four shrugs.

Cameron starts laughing. I stare at him like he sprouted an extra pair of legs. Four doen't seem fazed by my brother's outburst. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Cameron mocks.

"Hey, Ford." Four calls Cameron by our last name.

"You two know each other?" I ask looking back and forth between the two older guys standing before me.

"Sadly." Cameron speaks.

"I caught Ford spying on my com...," Cameron cuts Four off.

"It's not your compound remember you gave up that position, Tob-." Four whacks Cameron in the back of the head and noticably stiffens. Tob? What is that about?

"Tob? As in Toby?" I look at Cameron for an answer. "Is that another nickname or something?"

"Sure, we could go with that, huh Tob?" Four looks ready to lunge at Cam. "By the way, Four, stay away from my sisters."

"Trust me, Cam, May has that under control." I irriatingly mutter.

Cameron thinks for a second. "Then why is he here?"

"He already said he was looking to see if there was someone in here." I speak in a duh tone.

"Hey, Four, why don't we talk in the hallway?" Cameron asks but in the way of, if you don't, I will make you. Four exits the bunk room with Cameron close behind.

Cam can sure be intimidating sometimes but so can Four. My brother goes with the loud mouth approach because he is six feet, three inches tall. Four goes with the silent approach which in the end can be more terrifying. I decide once they are out of the bunk room to follow them, I want to know more and if I get caught..., let's just say my brother would probably wish he picked a different profession then being a spy. Just imagine the various different ways I can use it against him.

Cameron's POV-

I hate this guy, he is arrogant and cocky. There is no way he is getting with my sister. At least, I know Maylyn has been trying to stop this before anything major happens. Four and I are in the hallway with a good distance between the dormitory and us. Four harshly throws me against one of the walls. This one is particularly rough, I'm assuming that we are in The Pit.

"Hey, just because you know everything doesn't mean everyone else here should know about it today." Tobias shouts.

I shove him off of me. "You realize that if you are going to be with my sister, you'd have to tell her your real name is, Tobias Eaton. Also Eaton, why don't you face your damn fear and tell your dad to piss off? He's messing up everything for Amity."

"I don't care about Amity. If you didn't notice, Ford, I'm in Dauntless." Four backs away from me. "What exactly are Amity's values nowadays? Spying, shoving, and threatening, doesn't sound very Amity like to me."

"Why would you care? Remember? You are in Dauntless, not Amity. I don't have to fork over anything that could be of use to you."

"Then leave this compound!" Tobias shouts while getting closer to me.

"It's visiting day and you gave the rights to kick me out of Dauntless to Eric." I don't feel it at first, but then it comes on at full force.

Four uppercuts my chin. Quick recovery is easy, however, holding myself back, is not. I want to lunge at him but the Amity inside of me did not approve. "I'm not here for a fight. Keep my sisters out of harm or else I will come back to beat the living pulp out of you."

"You don't scare me, Cameron." Four spat.

"No but your dad does and I'm sure he would gladly come pay a visit to his favorite son." I walk away from Four knowing I threw him off his guard.

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