Chapter 14

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Maylyn's POV-

*Right after the fear simulation*

After counting the number of fears I went through, I counted twelve. Needles, darkness, being locked in confined spaces, spiders, heights, being forgotten, thunder, death, being in love, fear of being ridiculed, stage fright, and lastly, watching my family being killed and not being able to stop it.

By the end of the simulation, I am drained. I feel as if I am afraid of everything. Twelve fears is a lot, how does someone get over that many fears? How does someone face death and decide they are no longer afraid? How does someone stop being afraid of having their entire family killed? It seems impossible to me, I have never felt this disappointed with myself. I knew I would have a few fears, I never imagined it would be twelve.

"Maylyn?" I hear Brooklyn as I let out a sigh.

I need to be alone to comprehend everything I just went through. I do not want to sit down with Brooklyn and hear about how she excelled, how she has less fears, and how she did better than me. I do not have it in me to have that conversation right now. I already let myself down, I do not need Brooklyn to confirm it.

"Hmm?" I barely manage to say.

"Are you okay? You are acting weird." It is not weird that I want to be quiet and alone right now. The fear simulation was intense.

"That is a silly question." I state as I walk away, I am mentally exhausted.

I am spun around by Brooklyn. "Hey, did I do something wrong?"

"No." Just leave me alone.

"Well, then why do you have such a cold front towards me?"

What I want to say to her is, not everything is about you. I would have a 'cold front' up with anyone right now but I know she would get defensive and not believe me.

"It is nothing, Brooklyn. I want to be alone right now."

"Why are you lying to me?" Excuse me?

This statement gets my attention, do not tell me I am lying. I know what I am feeling right now, I am not being sly in saying I need to be alone.

"I am not lying, I have never lied to you. Do not accuse me of that. I need a minute alone, is that too much to ask for?"

"Who willingly wants to be alone after going through the fear landscape? Come on, you haven't shed a tear. Talk to me! I know you are holding back."

I go to reply right as a voice interrupts me, "Maylyn, we need to talk. Like right now."

"I'm talking to my sister right now, Zeke. Find her later." Brooklyn states to him. I am absolutely appalled that she would be so rude to Zeke just because she is upset with me.

"No, this is important." Zeke makes eye contact with me and I nod to him. He probably has something to tell me about our trip to Erudite.

"I will talk to you later, Brooklyn. Hopefully by then you will have had the chance to cool down and stop throwing false accusations." I storm away from her and follow Zeke's fast pace to the training arena.

"What is going on, Zeke?"

"We need to go to Erudite tonight." I feel my eyes widen and my mouth drop open.

I am not ready. How can I possibly go right now? "No, there is no way. I am not equipped."

Zeke puts his hands on my shoulders, "Maylyn, Four told me you are doing great with training. Come on, Four said this. He didn't even you would make it through the first few days, now he is saying you are crushing it."

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