Chapter 8

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Brooklyn's POV-

"Everyone up!" A voice shouts while banging on bunk beds and walls. "Get up! You have about thirty seconds to see who you are up against and then make your way to the mat."

I instantly recognize the screeching voice, it is Eric.

I scream as Eric rolls me out of bed. I grit my teeth to avoid causing a fight and pick myself up off the ground.

"Asshole." I mumble under my breath and get dressed.

My eyes quickly glance at the board and see my name next to someone named Hunter. I look at the bottom of the list and see Maylyn is up against Faith, another person I have yet to meet. I have heard their names being called to go fight previously but I didn't pay much attention. Admittedly, I spent way too much time watching Four and inspecting his body.

All I want to do is retreat back to bed and go to sleep, I am exhausted. I didn't track down Four yesterday after the upsetting news Maylyn told me because I was too tired to fight his decision. This morning I am still feeling that way but I have no choice. I let Maylyn down yesterday because of exhaustion, I won't let it happen again.

I spot Four talking to Tris and I walk up to the happy couple. They are talking quietly so I stand there patiently until Four clears his throat and addresses me.

"Can I help you, Brooke?" Four says irritatedly.

"Yes, you can. Tris, do you mind if I take him away? I have something urgent to discuss with him."

"Sure, Brooke." Tris kisses Four and I feel a fiery ball of jealousy brewing in my stomach. If only she knew.

As soon as Tris leaves I grab Four's arm and I pull him out of the room. I lead us out of earshot and start speaking.

"What the fuck, Four? Care to explain why Maylyn is at the bottom of your list?"

Four leans up against the railing, the only thing stopping people from accidentally falling into the rocky Chasm below. Four looks amused right now.

Hmm, that is odd.

Four rolls his eyes and then smiles in disbelief. "Unbelievable."


"You two never stop. I'm going to tell you what I told her. If she doesn't want to end up factionless than she needs to learn how to fight and do well today. It is as simple as that, I am not going to keep rehashing this."

Four begins to walk back towards the training arena, leaving me speechless. I am never speechless but right now, I can't figure out what to say that would help Maylyn. A big wave of regret consumes me. I should have just helped her last night. I mentally kick myself as I walk back into the arena.


"Brooklyn, Hunter, you two are up." Four announces.

I walk up to the mat from the back of the room. When I see Hunter right in front of me, I gulp. Hunter is at least a head taller than me and had to weigh minimum a hundred pounds more. I have never taken on someone of this size, I don't know how I am suppose to do this. I get into a fighting stance and listen for them to announce the battle has begun.

"Go!" Eric says a little too excitedly.

Once engaged into battle, Hunter tries to take me down right away. What he doesn't realize is that he is leaving himself wide open. I land a punch to the side of his face. Hunter is not the least bit fazed by this. He charges at me with his fist raised. I quickly drop and roll to the right ending up on my feet slightly behind him. Hunter spins around tries to figure out where I went, I take my opportunity and harshly slam my elbow into his spinal cord. That is going to hurt tomorrow! He tries to grab ahold of me but I jump to the right side of him. I go in to kick his jaw with all the force I can get.

I shout out in pain as my head dives into the ground just outside of the mat. Hunter had grabbed my leg and dropped me on my head.

Disappointment is the first emotion to register then it rapidly turns into wanting sweet revenge. I try to yank my foot out of his grip but I'm unsuccessful. Instead, I swiftly swing up my other leg and hit him hard in between his legs. If then groin kick hurt, Hunter pretended like it didn't. He gets more mad and quickly swoops up both of my legs. Hunter proceeds to throws me like a rag doll. When I land, I hit the table that is only a few feet behind the mat. My head is the first to make contact with the table. I start seeing stars and feeling a rush of blood going to my head. I feel the top of my scalp and pull away from the instant pain. My hand is coated in dark red blood. I fail at trying to get up due to being light headed from the sudden blood loss. Before I can prepare myself, Hunter comes barreling at me. I try to stand but can barely move, it is as if my entire body is going numb.

"Shit!" I barely hear Four shout. "Do not move!"

I instinctively lay but down, I feel my eyes starting to close.

"Brooklyn!" I feel someone shaking me and applying pressure to the top of my head but I can't move, I can't speak, I feel utterly helpless.

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