Chapter 31

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  • Dedicated to All of my fans

Maylyn's POV-

*Three Hours Later*

"There, your knee should be good." Zeke finishes wrapping it.

It was a painful process of getting the bullet out of my leg but he prevailed. Even with my nails biting into his bicep. I hop off the counter and try to think of a game plan. I start brainstorming out loud.

"Ok, if the control panel is in the Dauntless headquarters and were here then we can make a run for it and make it."

"What are you talking about?" Zeke interrupts my thinking processes.

"The control panel for this simulation is in the Dauntless headquarters it has to be shut off manually on the computer in the control room. You know, before they find the remaining alive Abnegation members."

"Dauntless? But Brooklyn, Four, and Tris and going to Erudite."

I can't help but want to smack myself. "I knew I should have told someone."

"Wait, how did you know without me knowing?"

"Spying on my own." I say slowly.

"Are you asking for a death sentence? Other spies have been tortured when they were found snooping alone. What were you thinking?" Zeke shouts.

"Zeke, calm down."

"But Maylyn-"

"Guys, there are people heading this way." Michael says wearily. I look at the one window on the side wall, sure enough. A group of Dauntless members, with Max in the lead, are advancing on this building.

"If we left now we should be able to make it to the exit of this compound. Back door now, silence is key. Michael, do you think you can keep up?"

"Yes, I can May. Let's go." Michael shouts excitedly. He is acting Dauntless already. Hopefully, when this is all done, Zeke and I can bring Michael to the compound with us.

We take off sprinting down the stairs and out the back door, I check behind me to make sure Michael is there. He is practically running right next to me. We rip open the back door and shoot out to the side of the building. Knowing Eric, he will be unsuspecting of anyone leaving. Our legs push off and we are sprinting. We get to the last house, this time I'll be prepared and ready. I check all of my surroundings, Zeke does a double check. We full on run out of the compound and don't stop until we reach train tracks in a far off distance. Zeke and I slow down to a stop while Michael's tired legs gave out. I help him up.

"That was exhilarating." Michael smiles.

"How do you know that big word?" I ask.


I chuckle. "Ok guys, now let's get to the Dauntless compound and shut this down once and for all."

We walk all the way to the compound.


A few moments later we are in the control room.

"How do we override the system?" Zeke asks me.

"Like this." I take over the computer and start typing in codes that let me have control.

"How do you know how to do that?" Zeke questions.

"I learned how to do this from Cameron. He doesn't think I know he spies but when you hear him mumbling codes in his sleep while saying, I'll hack the computer for you, don't hit me. You find out that he clearly has to be spying. Plus, it lasted for five years. Literally every night." When no one replies I assume it was just a boring story.

I easily break into the computer and shut down the simulation. "It's done," I turn around slowly to face Zeke and Michael. "I brok-"

"Turn it back on." When I turn completely around I am faced with Eric.


"Maylyn, this isn't a joke. Now turn it back on."

"I said no." Eric grabs his gun and holds it to my forehead. "You have to the count of three to comply or I will blow a hole through that pretty head of yours."

"I'm not going to so go ahead. Why wait until three?"

"Maylyn, I'm not suppose to kill you." Eric smashes the tip of the gun to my head causing skin to break and blood to erupt. I ignore the fact that blood is dripping down the side of my nose.

"Then you obviously have no threat to me so back off."

"That doesn't mean I can't torture you. May," he grabs my chin and claws his long nails into it. "I shot you once, I'll do it again."

"Too bad your first aim missed, huh?"

"A slip of the trigger and you're gone."

"And a pull of his trigger, you're gone." Eric looks behind him and sees Zeke holding him at gunpoint. "Here I am thinking leaders have a better sense of knowing how to actually tie down their victims." I rip the gun out of his hand and detach the other from my face.

"You two will never survive here." Eric battles me for his gun. He gains full access of it and captures me in his grip. His gun is now on me.
Zeke however is blind sided and bashed in the back of the head with the hilt of Max's revolver. Zeke is knocked out cold. Max has ahold of Michael's wrist and turns his gun on him.

"Don't you dare shoot him." I shout.

"Silly May, he's already a dead boy walking." I am about to question what he means because Michael is clearly not dead. Max's gun fire off silencing off my thoughts. I snap my eyes shut, let out a scream, and hear a thud from his tiny, fragile body hitting the floor.

"You fucking monster!" I refuse to open my eyes.

"Next life I take will be yours, if you don't turn on simulation." Max warns.

Tears are flying down my face as I open my eyes to look at Michael's killer.

"Then kill me." I say defiantly, looking Max dead on in the eyes. "You might as well kill me because I refuse to reboot that simulation. You're controlling innocents to kill other innocents."

"May, you may have come from Erudite but you are dumb. You are giving your life for others who could care less about you." Max spat.

"I guess I really do belong in Amity and Abnegation."

"Fine but you could have been a great leader. You just can't see the Dauntless flames in your eyes."

"I wouldn't and I don't know why you keep saying that."

"You show determination, you fight, you are always leading people to the next thing. We saw you leading those two here." I feel a sharp pain in my heart. I can't believe he killed Michael.

"I don't have ruthlessness, so no I will never be Dauntless leader material."

Max sighs. "Kill her, Eric."

Eric grip tightness and Max leaves the room. "Bye, bye, May."

I try to fight him but it doesn't help. I can't talk my way out of this one. The least I can do is make sure I take out both of us. I quickly move the gun from the side of my head to the front, where it was places previously. He pulls the trigger, shooting both of us in the head.

It's a shame I had to die in his hands.


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