Chapter 23

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Maylyn's POV

*Later that day*

"Brooklyn, we need to talk." I catch up to Brooke as she heads to the arena.

"Yes, we do." Brooklyn sighs. "Want to practice throwing knives with me?"

I nod my head. "Sure."

Years ago, if Brooklyn would have ask me to throw knives with her, I would have called her insane. My life has changed drastically. I know how to fight, how to throw knives, how to face my fears, and how to stand up for myself. I managed to learn all these new skill sets in a week, these skills I never thought I could learn.

We both head into the arena and walk over to the table with several of the same knives on it.

"But seriously, how cool is Dauntless?" Brooklyn smiles, "We can throw knives to pass time."

"It is definitely rubbing off on me." I say as I pick up a blade.

Brooklyn clears her throat. "Maylyn, Cameron brought something to my attention when he was here."

I look at her waiting for her to continue, when she does not I question her. "What would that be?"

"Your timing for the fear landscape," Brooklyn sighs. That little notion proves to me, this conversation is about to go rapidly downhill. "It's impossibly good."

"What are you suggesting, Brooklyn?" I say through gritted teeth,  "Are you implying that I cheated?"

"You know that's not what I meant." Brooklyn looks at the ground.

"Then what did you mean?" I am furious. She has been better than me at everything else here. Why can I not have my moment with because accused of rigging the test? "I know I am destined to end up factionless, I just thought my own sibling would have my back. The fear landscape is my only hope for that not to happen."

"May, I know but that puts you at less than a minute for each fear. That's great timing but how did you do it? What are you going to say when Eric or Four asks you how that happened?"

"What am I going to tell Eric and Four? The truth, Brooklyn. I have nothing to hide. They thought us how to go through the fear landscape. Bring your heartbeat down or face your fear, that is what I did. Why is that hard to believe?" I chuck the knife at the target, in the attempt to relieve frustration. Shockingly, the knife sticks in the middle of the target.

"Are you Divergent?" Brooklyn snaps.

"What?" I falter when stepping forward to release another knife.

"Are? You? Divergent?" Brooklyn speaks slower.

"No," I raise my eyebrows. "Are you?"

Brooke's hesitation makes it pretty clear that she is in fact Divergent.

"No way." Shock is evident in my voice. "How?"

"I got Dauntless and Erudite on my aptitude test."

"Whoa, that's awesome."  I can't contain my excitement for her. I know it isn't a good thing but that's pretty cool. My own twin is Divergent..., am I?

"No May, it isn't. If Eric or the wrong person finds out, it will end with my death." Brooklyn gulps and looks down.

I know it is a bad thing but death? "What are you talking about?" I question and her eyes snap back to mine. The only expression she wears on her face is pure seriousness.

"Tori told me what they did to her brother, they killed him." Brooklyn sighs and throws her knife sloppily. It ricochets off of the bottom of the wooden target and lands back at Brooklyn's feet.

"I thought you were the twin that could throw a knife." Four steps into the light and lightly chuckles.

"Hey! I'll have you know that knife," I point to the target board in front of me with the knife stabbed into the middle. "I threw that one." I speak proudly.

"No way. You haven't thrown a decent throw since you have been here." Four is about to see how accurate I am with a knife when one goes through his heart.

I turn towards the target board. I whip my hand forward and release the knife. The knife lands in then middle circle, another perfect throw. I turn to face Four and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Hey Four, suck it." I exit the arena deciding that I should get some rest before the next go through of the fear landscape.


Brooklyn's POV-

Why would Maylyn leave me here alone with Four? Especially after what I hear.

"Tobias?" I question. "Tobias Eaton, is that your real name?"

"How did-?" Four looks towards the ground. "How did you find out about that?"

"I overheard you and Cameron."

"Overheard?" Four irritatingly asks. "There is no way to overhear your brother and I. We were in The Pit not by the bunk room."

"Okay, so maybe I was spying."

"This conversation is over." Four starts to walk out of the arena. "Don't bring it up ever again. As far as everyone knows, Tobias Eaton isn't in the Dauntless compound, he's dead."

"We aren't done talking about this." I grab Four's shoulder to make him face me. "Why would you change your name?"

"Brooklyn, we aren't talking about this." He tries to walk away again but this time I trip him and sit on his back.

"We are talking about this. Now spill." I demand.

Four thrashes away under me but somehow I manage to hold him down. "Get off of me."

"Spill!" I exclaim.

"Fine. Yes, my real name is Tobias Eaton. I changed it because of my dad. I don't understand why you care so much."

"Eaton as in Marcus Eaton's son. That's the reason why I'm concerned. He is infamously known as an abusive husband and an abusive father."

"Yeah, that's what I hear." Four mumbles.

Brooklyn gawks. "Is it true?"

Four nods and sighs. "Will you get off of me now?"

I chuckle and stand up. "Sorry."

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