Chapter 15

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Maylyn's POV-

"Zeke, sorry it took so long. I kind of forgot, I got a little wrapped up in my conversation with Brooklyn." I smile nervously. "But I am focused now, I know I can do this trip, I am prepared. Four trained me well enough with fighting and shooting. I feel I need the most help with throwing knives but I do not see us needing to throw knives tonight so I can work on that another time."

"Very good because we really don't have time to train now but I figured talking with your sister would pull you out your self-depreciating thoughts of how you aren't good enough."

"Yeah, yeah you were right. Can we go?"

I feel eager to do this mission. I normally would be wrapped up in and riddled with anxiety.

"Yes we can go, we have to catch the train quickly." I follow Zeke outside and we swiftly make it onto the train right before its departure from the Dauntless compound.


The Next Morning-

In my mind there is the reoccurring thought of what if my parents do not come today? I know I left them but I would still like to see them and explain myself if they will hear me out.

I slowly walk to the Pit while picking at my fingers. My anxiety is getting the best of me today.

I scan the room looking for familiar faces. I see a couple with neat blonde hair in immaculate blue clothing. Not a hair out of place and no tattered clothing, talking to other Erudite members. Must be my parents. I start my adventure toward them but something, rather someone, throws me off my guard. Everything I planned for today had been completely wrong. This is not real. Can it be? Standing beside the two people that brought me into this world, is a blonde, older, taller version of me. The brother that left all of us to live a fruitful life in Amity. I am stunned and frozen in shock.

I blink a few times and approach my family.

"Cameron?" I have not seen my brother in what feels like forever.

Cameron flashes me a side smirk. "Hey, Twin Number 1." I grind my teeth and shoot him a look of disapproval.

"I know we have not seen each other in a couple years but I did not think you would forgot that my name is Maylyn." I reply sarcastically.

"I don't know, I am very forgetful. Must be all the fruity wine in Amity." I cannot help but crack a smile at that.

"How are you, Cameron?"

"Maylyn!" My mother shouts other Cameron right as he is about to respond. "We need to talk, not here. Somewhere more quiet."

I feel my stomach clench. She is going to tell me she is disappointed in me. I feel it coming.

"Okay, mom. Did you want to right now?" I ask her with my gaze pointed at the ground.

"No, you can catch up with your brother." I cannot help but notice how she did not say his name. That is considered a diss back in Erudite.

My mother joins back into the conversation my father is having with other Erudite members.

"Anyways, I'm doing well, May." Cameron looks around The Pit. "But today is Visiting Day! Today is about you not me. How are you liking it here? How are you ranking?"

"I am doing subpar. Initiation is kicking my butt however I am training all the time to improve and I am hanging in there. Brooklyn is kicking ass at everything."

"That sounds accurate for you two but I know when you are determined there is nothing stopping you." I smile shyly. "Where is Brooklyn though? Shouldn't she be here, I wanted to catch up with both of you, it has been too long."

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