Chapter 28

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Chapter 28-

-Two Days After-

*An hour after Four dragged Brooklyn away*

Maylyn's POV-

I blink a few times. My surroundings slowly fill in. I can tell I'm in the middle of Abnegation. I quickly realize that I am alone. In fact, the Abnegation buildings look empty, not to mention they also look like someone took a gun to every single one of them. I try to get up but it is proving impossible. Pain shoots through my left leg when I put any pressure on it. I sense something bad is happening by the fact that the lower part of my leg has blood covering it. My chest is also covered in blood from the open wound on my cheek.

I feel no need to rush my way out of here but I know I should be quick. I just can't bring myself to want to move and I can't stand the overcoming fear that I'd be stuck here to die.

-A Day Before-

*Breakfast Time*

Brooklyn's POV-

"Hey, May." I say to get her attention off of Zeke. "Four needs to talk to you after you are done eating."

"Why?" Maylyn scoffs.

"Why do you think?" I quickly snap.

"Wait. Are May and Four hooking up?" Uriah inquires. I hear Maylyn choke on her water.

"Excuse me." She chokes out.

Uriah smiles. "I'll take that as a no."

"Your process of elimination astounds me." I point out. Maylyn gets up and walks out of the Dining Hall.

"Are you ready to take the fear landscape, Uri?" I question.

"As ready as I can be."

"Yeah, you'll do great. It's not like this time we are competing to stay so that should take pressure off, right?"

"Are you sure you are ok to do this?" I nervously laugh. It's not the fear landscape I'm afraid of, it's the event occurring afterwards. "I'll do fine."

Uriah smiles. "Hey, have you talked to Mar? She keeps asking when you have time but nothing has worked out yet."

"Oh yeah. Where is she at?"

"The Pit." I get up and walk over to The Pit. I search around and find her sitting by the Chasm instead.

"Hey Mar, sorry I totally forgot. I can be a little bit of an airhead sometimes."

"It's fine." Marlene looks at the water.

"What happened?" I nervously ask.

Marlene turns her sight towards me. "I'm leaving Dauntless."

"Wha-WHAT?" I exclaim. "You what? Why? When? How? Mar, why aren't you answering me?" I rapid fire questions.

"Because you haven't given me a chance to."

I take a deep breath. "Ok, talk."

"I can't say why I'm leaving but I'll have to leave after the fear landscape. Zeke's going to help me."

"Ohhh, you and Zeke?" I joke.

Marlene smiles. "Shut up. I need help."

"How exactly does one help with a running away problem?"

"Uriah can't know." Marlene grimaces.

"Easy enough." At least I know Marlene will be safe from the Erudite invasion unless it will still control her from whatever headquarters she's in. I'll ask Maylyn, I'm sure it can't, can it?

"Ok, mission distract Uriah is a go."

"Thank you, Brooke."

"You're welcome. Well, let's get on with it. No time to waste, it's fear landscape time." I hook arms with Marlene and we skip to the top floor of the compound that holds the fear landscape setup. We are soon joined with Maylyn who looks extremely pale. "May, are you ok?" I whisper to her.

She shakes her head and gets in line to go through the pure torture. The line up is in alphabetically order. I place myself before Maylyn and behind Christiana. "What happened?"

Maylyn mouths, later, she watches Eric walk pass us. He is eyeing everyone to make sure they are Dauntless material.

"Maylyn, you aren't correctly placed in line. Come here."

"Eric, you do know your ABC's, don't you?" Maylyn shoots back not moving out of line. "It goes Christiana, next is Brooklyn, then me, and behind me should be Peter. Am I wrong?"

"I said come here." Eric voice booms.

Maylyn storms over to him. Eric latches onto her forearm and drags her away. I want to follow but I don't want to get Maylyn in more trouble with bonehead Eric.

"Ready?" Tris asks me. Where did she come from? I nod my head and wait for my turn.

Maylyn's POV-

"Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see." Eric grips harder.

He drags me down the small steps, pass The Pit, and through some random hallways. I am halted immediately and thrown against the wall.

"If you want to survive in this compound, I suggest you stop back talking me. I'm the leader, now act like it."

"For a leader, you sure don't get a lot of say in who goes and stays." I remind him of the final elimination process. I feel a sharp pain from the brute man. Eric just slapped me. It takes me all of point two seconds to bitch slap him right back.

Things go radio silent. The only thing breaking the silence four minutes later is his throat clearing. "Get back in line." Eric orders.

"Then let go of me." Eric has a overpowering grip on my wrist that are pinned against the wall.

He doesn't move, kind of. Eric is leaning in. Is he serious right now? I will make him move if that is how it has to be. I quickly bring my knee up for a cheap shot. Eric shoots backwards and I take off running. Instead of the fear landscape upstairs, I go to the bunk rooms. I lay down in the bed that will eventually be filled with a new Dauntless initiative next year.

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