Chapter 11

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Brooklyn's POV-

I manage to sleep soundly through the night despite my head throbbing. It is very quiet in the infirmary. There is something that is calming about this place to me. Maybe I will just need to get injured everyday, I could get use to a good nights rest.

Suddenly someone rolls me out of bed resulting in me barely protecting my head before hitting the ground.

"Rise and shine." I look up and see Eric smiling sardonically. "Get up, you are fighting today."

"I have a head injury." I argue as I point to my stitches.

"I don't remember caring." Eric laughs and walks out of the infirmary. I huff and cross my arms.

Asshole. How am I suppose to do well today? I have an obviously weak spot that anyone would know about if they saw the fight yesterday.

I get off the floor and go back to the bunk room to change out of yesterday's bloody clothes. After changing I go to check the ranking board and see they have already taken it out of the bunk room.

I waste no time making it to the training arena. Mainly because if I do, I will get lost.

"Maylyn," I nudge her shoulder to draw her attention away from Peter. "Are you fighting today?"

Maylyn stares at me blankly and bites her lip. "No, I am not. Uh, Brooklyn, you should look at the board."

I shoot her a quizzical look before drawing my attention to the board. Today the board only consist of two names.

This can't be right. Clearly, I am still half asleep.

I blink a couple of times before rereading the boards.

Brooklyn vs. Tris.

I feel my stomach start to boil with anger as my hands clench forming fists and my teeth grit together.

"She not even an initiate!" I shout out when I turn around.

I immediately look around for Four and notice he isn't in the room. However, I do see Tris standing towards the back of the room and notice she fierce glare set on me. If I had to guess, she knows about Four and I. If I know we were going to be battling, I would have told her after or maybe even during.

I quickly hunt down Eric. "Why am I up against Tris?"

Eric looks at me with an evil smirk present on his face. "It's quite simple. This year's best fighter goes against last year's best fighter. Do you have an issue with that?"

I know he asked a question but I also know this isn't really a question. It is a challenge. He is setting me up to be able to tear apart my reputation. Eric wants to see me afraid to fight Tris. There is no way that is happening.

"There is no issue at all. Let's get this show on the road." I fake a smile and step onto the mat.

I try to mask all of my emotions. I can't let Tris see that I am worried. I have to win, I have to make it known that I can back up my actions. I know it wasn't smart to kiss Four but I did. I don't regret it so I need to face the repercussions.

"Tris, let's go." Eric waves for her to come to the mat.

Tris says nothing as she menacingly approaches me. She takes her fighting stance, I slightly gulp as I take mine. I make eye contact with Tris and am met with pure anger.

She cannot be the mad at me..., can she?

"Go!" Eric ignites the fight.

"Come on Tris, can't we talk this out? Woman to woman."

Tris lunges at me and knocks me off my feet. She tries to punch my mouth but I turn my head resulting in her punching my jaw.

"The next thing you try to get with someone's boyfriend, don't try to become their friend."

I quickly dodge her attempt to punch my face again and roll her off of me. I land a hit on her chest as I stand back up.

Tris recovers fast and stands up. Before I can do anything, Tris attacks. I hunch over as there is an explosive pain in my stomach from Tris's knee connecting to my abdomen. I accidentally leave myself open and Tris takes the opportunity to break my nose. I feel her shoe hit the base of my nose and hear it crunch. Blood is spewing down my face.

I see the type of fighting we are doing today. Dirty, cheap shots. I can play that game.

I go to sweep Tris's feet out from underneath her but she captures my leg and swiftly pounces down on my knee. The sickening crack of my leg makes me sick.

I drop to the ground and am consumed with excruciating pain.

What do I do now? I can't get up, my leg is broken. I can't focus, the pain is too much. If I can't focus then I can't fight.

I gasp for air as I feel harsh impact to my chest. I look at Tris and see her hovering over me. Ready to strike again. Not even two second later, Tris is repetitively pounding on my face.

"Tris stop! It is obvious she incapable of carrying on." Maylyn inserts herself into the fight and starts trying to pull Tris off of me. I am useless. All I can do is block blows with my arms but even they are getting rapidly getting weak.

"Maylyn, what do you think you are doing?" Eric asks but doesn't move to stop anything.

"Eric, instead of standing there acting like a vile, piece of shit dictator how about you show an ounce of compassionate like a real leader and stop this?" Whoa Maylyn, too far. Way too far.

"Come here!" Eric's voice roars.

I wish I could see his face, I know it would be priceless.

"As soon as this stops!" Maylyn shouts back while tugging on Tris some more.

"Tris get off." Eric instructs Tris, she hesitates before standing up and promptly kicks me in the side.

"Fuck!" I shout as I curl into the fetal position.

Tris storms out of the arena and Eric dig his nails into Maylyn's shoulder and drags her out of the room.

I understand Maylyn standing up for me but not the extent of making Eric that mad. Even I know when to stop pushing him.

A few Dauntless members approach me and cautiously lift me into the air to bring me to the infirmary.

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