Chapter 6

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Brooklyn's POV-

"Maylyn!" I run after two Dauntless members who are carrying Maylyn to the infirmary. "Is she okay?"

I am stopped by an arm being put out directly in front of my chest. I look at the person and it is the leader who's name I still have yet to get.

"Of course she's not okay. The idiot challenged an instructor. She got what she had coming, be glad we carried her off to the infirmary and didn't have to zip her in a body bag. Now, go back and join the other initiates."

"Why the fuck would I do that? That is my twin sister. I already fought yesterday and newsflash, I won. Now, put down your arm and stop touching me. I don't even know your name and if you talk about my twin dying again, I will fight you." I give him a death glare to show him I am not messing around.

The man chuckles and proceeds to punch my mouth.

"Whoa, stop!" Four grabs my raised fist and puts it down to my side. "Eric, she makes a fair point, she doesn't need to stay here. I will take Brooklyn to go see her sister."

Eric, that's the weasel's name.

Eric shoots Four a glare but doesn't say anything to him, he turns around and starts addressing the other initiates.

When we get out of the training arena and down the hallway a ways, I push Four against the wall.

"Why the hell did you fight her?" I smack his chest. "Why the hell did you have to injury her that badly?"

Four grabs my balled up fist. "She challenged me in front of Eric. In Dauntless, you do not back down. Especially with Eric watching. You both would do well to remember that."

Four shoves my hand down and we walk in silence the rest of the way to the infirmary.


I enter the infirmary and I am instantly horrified by the shape my twin is in. Half of Maylyn's face is badly bruised, her lip is heavily swollen. I can only assume that her head is pounding from Four landing Maylyn on her back causing her head to smack the ground.

I want to turn around and fight Four for what he did to her but I know he did what he had to do. Four stays by the door as I approach Maylyn's bed.

"Maylyn, can you hear me? Are you okay?" Maylyn grunts in response but doesn't open her eyes, the right eye is pretty swollen. "I will take that as a good sign that you are alive."

"How did I do?" I barely hear Maylyn, I watch as she flinches from the pain.

"What do you mean? You got knocked out."

"Obviously but did they say if I would stay or be kicked out?"

"I don't know, I was a little too busy making sure you didn't die and getting punched in the mouth."

"Who punched you?" Maylyn's head turns in my direction as her eyes pop open to examine my slightly swollen lip. This time she cringes and grabs her head.

"Lay back, stop moving so much. You probably have a head injury. But that ass Eric did, it's fine though, he didn't hit me that hard." I touch my lip and feel a slight sting. "Also, what the hell was that out there? Did you want to get killed?"

"I can't stand Four, he instantly gets under my skin. He is a righteous ass-."

"I don't know about being a righteous ass." Four makes us both jump a little upon entering the room. "You needed someone to rile you up and beat your ass or you would not survive here."

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