Chapter 2

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Brooklyn's POV-

*Before the Ceremony*

This Aptitude Test is going to be a breeze. I know what I want and I know Dauntless is where I belong. I have no doubts, I have always wanted this. This test will only prove it to me more.

"Brooklyn, you may come back now." I follow this nicely dressed woman as she escorts me to a small room.

For how small this room is I can't believe how cold it is.

I sidetrack my mind from the coldness by paying attention to what the woman is doing. There are a bunch of random cords that she is placing on me and herself. I notice as she picks up a clear vial holding some type of liquid from a metal tray beside her. She hands it to me and I instantly drink it. I already know what this serum is and what it will do.

My reality changes. I am no longer sitting in a small, white room, now I am standing before a dingy table. Why does this table only have a knife and cheese on it? Are they testing my cutting abilities? Because if so, that is entirely way too weird for me.

"Choose." My eyes quickly dart around me as I try to find who is talking. When I can't find anyone, I stand there with my arms crossed.

Why should I choose? There's no one who is going to make me choose.

Out of nowhere, a dog appears. This does not look like a nice dog. This one looks mean and angry. I quickly pick up the knife just in case I need it for protection. I will not and cannot stab the animal if I don't have to.

The dog comes at me with rapid speed but I can't move, I feel frozen in this spot. To my relief, the dog comes to a quick halt in front of me. I stare at the little animal not feeling as afraid as I was before. I kneel down to see if that would help calm it down. My head darts to the left side as I watch a little girl comes out of the darkness. Before I can intervene, the dog full on attacks this girl, just clawing and biting at her. I stand up and grab the dog by it's scuff, efficiently stopping him. The tiny girl quickly runs away and disappears. Soon after, the dog disappears too. All of my surrounding change as I am now on a train with what looks like a factionless man. His clothes are worn out and he is reading a colorless newspaper. There is a man on the front page that I recognize, he is my brother.

The man looks me at me. "Do you know this man?"

It feels like I shouldn't not trust this man, I don't want to give him any information about me. "No."

He looks at me with disbelief and I can tell he suspects that I am lying. He asks the same question again. I hope he doesn't pay attention to my fidgeting as I say no again.

The man disappears and I am back in the chair in the cold, white room.

The woman giving me the test stares at me with a blank face. I raise my eyebrows waiting for her to say something but she continues to stare.

"What?" I snap as I'm starting to get annoyed. 

"You are divergent, which is not good. Do not tell anyone, not even your family. Do you understand?" Her expression changes from a blank stare to a worried look. She quickly begins to unhook us from the machinery.

"Detergent, are you serious? I am laundry soap?" Candors don't have a sense of humor. What the hell is this lady going on about?

"Divergent," she quickly clarifies and enunciates better. "It is when you have more then one faction. You can go either Abnegation or Dauntless."

"So why are you acting worried? Big deal, I can go in either faction, I'm sure this happens all the time."

"No, it does not. This is really dangerous. Having more than one faction is not the type of thing you want to flaunt around. It can and will get you killed if people find out."

"For not having just one faction? Why would anyone care?"

"It comes down to loyalty. There was a big war and everyone choose what faction to be apart. Being divergent messes with this. If another war were to happen then they would rather have you dead than trust that you will not turn on them."

"That is stupid. Kids are born into factions then have to choose one faction and they don't always choose the one they were born into. Don't they think that will mess with loyalty? Going to war and knowing your parents are in a different faction than them, don't you think that would cause a bigger upset than being a divergent?" The lady sighs and rolls her eyes at me. "Whatever, I am done with this conversation."

I stand up and leave the room to go meet up with Maylyn.


It is finally Adios Parents Day, I mean the day of the Choosing Ceremony. I excitedly take my seat among the other desperate souls who can't wait to change up their lives.

I cannot wait to finally apart of Dauntless. The fearless and badass faction. I know I belong with them and the best part is I will be out of the hellhole that is Erudite. I can finally escape the people who have been very harsh and judgmental to me all my life, my parents. Parts of me wished that they would accept me and understand that I am not them. I am not all that intelligent and I'm not that interested in having to know everything. I'm very content with knowing what I need to to be able to survive. I don't need to know the details about other factions, I don't need to know the secrets of their members, I just want to live my life. I want a fun, exciting, dangerous, careless, fearless life. I can't have that in Erudite but I most certainly can have that in Dauntless.

"Maylyn Ford." I turn and smile at my twin sister who looks like she is going to throw up.

Maylyn has never wanted to disappoint our parents. I know our decision to go to Dauntless wasn't an easy choice for her but I know it will be the best thing to happen to her.

I watch as she slowly walks up to the host and hesitantly takes the knife. She slashes her hand and steps up to the metal bowl for Dauntless. I can't help the proud feeling that overcomes me watching my twin sister do this. The biggest saying for all the factions is, "faction before blood." I couldn't be happier than my blood is going into the same faction as me because I will always choose her over everyone else, no matter what.

My happiness quickly converts into confidence when my name is called. I quickly walk up and grab the knife from the host, who's name I have definitely forgotten. Without thinking of the pain, I cut my palm. I squeeze my hand into fist and watch the blood trickle down into the burning coals.

"Brooklyn! Brooklyn! Brooklyn!" The members of Dauntless chant.

I am out of Erudite forever.


Now that the Choosing Ceremony is over, we get to join our chosen factions. However, my new faction starts running outside and towards a moving train. I stay a little ways back from the start of the group to avoid looking idiotic for not knowing what they are doing. I watch as one after another start throwing themselves at this moving train. They are jumping into the train cars. I feel my eyes widen with slight fear but mostly excitement. When would we ever get the chance to hurdled ourselves onto a moving train in Erudite? Never. This is epic.

I follow the exact steps of how the first person in front of me gets themselves onto the train. I fling my whole body in one quick movement towards the train car and quickly grab the first hand held out to me. When I am securely in the train, I look up at the person who pulled me in. This man looks too old to be an initiate but definitely younger than twenty. Let me just say, this man is hot. He is a bit taller than me, I would say probably six foot something. Definitely has nice muscles. His dark brown hair is what I would describe as perfectly disheveled. My favorite part, his eyes. I could stare into those blue eyes all day long.

"Who are you?" I quickly ask him.

"Four," he extends his hand out for me to shake. "I'll be the initiate's instructor."

"Oh..., great." I did not expect that. "I am doomed, aren't I?"

Four laughs a little. "Oh, it's not that hard." 

"I just get the feeling you will make it so much harder."

"How so?" Four raises his eyebrow and helps another person onto the train.

I shrug my shoulders and smirk. "Oh, no reason."

I walk away from Four as I spot my sister, who finally got on the train.

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