Chapter 25

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Maylyn's POV-

"There's the top four. Now, for the other six. There is Christina, Hunter, Will, Marlene, Molly, and lastly someone we weren't sure would last..." Eric, being the sadistic asshole he is, waits to announce the outcome.

Yup, I definitely didn't make it. Eric obviously chose Hale. It was a valiant try but I guess, I am not good enough. I'm kind of disappointed and angry with myself but honestly, how emotional can I really be about it? I've seen it coming for quite a while. I haven't told anyone including Brooklyn but the hype of joining Dauntless has never really been my style. I never wanted to join but I couldn't part with my twin. I guess now it doesn't matter. I'm really proud of Brooklyn and what she has accomplished here, I guess this is goodbye though.

"Hale!" Eric exclaims while staring at me with a look that is a mix between, 'now, get the fuck out of compound' and 'revenge is sweet'.

I shrug my shoulder at him and release Zeke's hand. I can hear boo's coming from the initiatives.

"Eric, you know Maylyn is way better equipped for Dauntless then Hale can ever be." Zeke points out.

"Hey!" Hale exclaims.

"Clearly your judgement is clouded seeming as you apparently have relations with the newly factionless, Maylyn. Poor Zeke, who will he date now, there aren't any pathetic people left?" Eric quickly defends Hale.

"Hale's here and you're here. No wonder you're screwing each other." Brooklyn speaks up.

Oh shit.

"Hey!" Hale shouts again.

"Stop guys, it's fine. I lost, everyone saw it coming. A few, I know, you were rooting for it to happen." I glance over at Eric slightly. "It was fun but it's over."

"No, that's not how this is going to happen." Four? The crowd, new members, and I, turn our attention to Four.

"Four? You're defending me?" I ask dumbfounded.

"I'm defending what is right." Four strict clarifies. "Eric, you know Hale has no right to be here."

"Hey!" Seriously do you not have a different word you can exclaim.

"Frankly, I don't care. Let's go Maylyn, you're out of here."

I sigh. "It was nice knowing you guys. Sorry, Brooklyn, I just wasn't good enough to stay."

"Stop with the sob stories and let's go." Eric pushes.

"If Maylyn steps a centimeter out of this compound I'm going to beat the living shit out of you." With that, I room went silent as Brooklyn threatens the leader.

"Excuse me?" Eric challenges.

"Don't even pretend like I want to retract that statement." Brooklyn fires back.

Eric grinds his teeth together. "Why don't you leave the compound along with your worthless sister?"

"I wouldn't want to leave any other way."

I have to butt in. "She not leaving, I'll go. I can't say I would want to be apart of a compound that allows dimwits like Hale in." I turn my back on them and head outside, my gaze down on the floor. I'm assuming Hale gave up on defending herself because she doesn't say anything.

"No." A chorus of people shout. I can tell the voices belong to Zeke, Uriah, Brooklyn, and Tris.

They are going to make me cry if they keep defending me.

As I am exiting the Pit, I walk into someone. I look up and see that it's Max, the other leader of Dauntless.

"Walk back." He strictly orders me. I turn around, wordlessly and head back. I can hear the bickering slowly die down when everyone eyes land on my confused stare and Max's determined glare.

"Eric, a word." Max's voice booms.

"Ye-yeah." Eric stutters. Max and Eric walk away in the direction I was about to leave from.

"What did he say?" "Are you staying?" "What did Max want?" I am quickly bombarded with questions.

"Stop." I wait for them to quiet down. "I don't know." Zeke puts his arm around my shoulders. I stand there silently, waiting for Max and Eric to come back.

"May, you aren't leaving without me. I don't care how much you fight it, if you go, I go." Brooklyn clarifies.

"Thanks Brooke but come on, you are meant to be in Dauntless. Promise me, you'll stay."

"I can't." Brooklyn whispers, she starts blinking rapidly. Don't cry for me.

"She's not leaving." Four voice resonates through the crowd surrounding me.

"How do you know?" Brooklyn shot.

"She has an excellent throw and can bet all of you in how fast she can complete a fear in the fear landscape." Since when is he pro-Maylyn?


We wait three minutes for Eric to huff back into the room.

"There's been a change to the list. Hale get lost. Maylyn, you get to stay. Four show Hale the exit." Eric quickly walks back out. Four grudgingly shows Hale to the exit and leaves the room himself.

What...? I get to stay? I stand with Zeke's arm around me and my sister cheering me on in complete shock.

"I made it?" I whisper.

"Hell yeah, you made it, you deserved it." Brooklyn exclaims.

"Can we talk later?" Zeke whispers and I nod skeptically.

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