Chapter 3

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Maylyn's POV-

While jumping onto the train was a nice little experience, jumping off of it and onto a rooftop was not.

My ankles throb from the landing. I try to show no emotion on my face about the pain I am in but they really hurt. This is something that would never happen in Erudite. Jumping off things was always frown upon over there. Brooklyn and I were always told that we needed to behave properly and that meant two feet on the ground at all times.

Brooklyn and I walk over to the leaders of Dauntless to await our next task. I notice right behind the leader there is an ledge. As we get closer to it and get to see over the edge, I see a small black hole in the ground that is surrounded by concrete. I know that the opening in the ground is a lot bigger than it appears way up here but that does not ease my nerves.

If I have to guess at what we are doing next it would be that we are diving head first off this building.

Oh fuck.

My eyes start searching for other ways down off the roof. When I can't find any I start tail spinning in my brain about everything that can go wrong.

Halfway through my fast paced, anxious thoughts I feel a nudge to my shoulder as Brooklyn gets my attention. "Maylyn, watch this."

My heart drops to my stomach as Brooklyn flings her body over the ledge and straight down into the black hole at the bottom.

"Brooklyn!" I mentally take note that I did not hear any screams or splats. Hopefully that means she is safe.

"Very nice, our first initiate has jumped." One of the leaders says, "who's willing to go next?"

I cannot possibly wrap my mind around the fact that Brooklyn actually jumped. Who am I kidding? Of course she jumped first. She is a fearless girl, I am sure she is loving every minute of this new adventure. I cannot say the same for myself. I hate heights. I hate the feeling that creeps in my stomach when looking at a long fall. I hate the raising vile in my throat just thinking about having to jump.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my back.

"You okay?" I look up at this mysterious man and try to muster the courage to answer correctly.

"Who are you?" Nope brain, not what I wanted to say. "I'm sorry, that was out of context it is just that I like to know the name of people who think they can touch me without permission."

I side eye his hand on me, he quickly puts it down by his side.

"Sorry, you looked like you might be sick. My name is Zeke though, what is your name?" He smiles nervously and awkwardly plays with his hair.

"I am Maylyn."

"Well Maylyn, it was nice meeting you but you should probably jump now as there aren't that many initiates left up here." Zeke gestures to the few people left.

My heart starts racing even faster.

"Oh..., uh..., yeah." I stand on the direct edge of the building and try to prepare myself.

When my scattered brain cannot focus, I decide to say screw it and I propel myself off the building.

The feeling of falling is almost freeing. Mainly because I don't have to overthink about jumping anymore. However, it feels like I have been falling for so long. I knew it was a long drop but I didn't anticipate it being this long.

I let out a sigh of relief as my body hits a net. I could lay here for a while, just letting my heart rate come back down.

"Hey, you on the net! You might want to come over here so the next person doesn't land on you." I quickly begin to crawl over to the voice. He has his hand stretched out to me and I grab on and help myself up onto the platform.

"Thank you."

"No problem..." He looks at me with confusion. "Wait, didn't you jump already? Isn't your name Brooke?"

I see my sister has decide to go by a nickname.

"I understand the confusion, she is my identical twin sister. I am Maylyn."

"Nice to meet you, I am Four."

"Four? Like the number? That is your name?" Who names their kid after a number? That is ridiculous.

"Yes," Four says through gritted teeth.

I decide now is a good time to walk away before I make him too mad at me. I go and hunt down Brooklyn.

"Oh my god Maylyn, have you met the gorgeous guy who is about six foot tall with dark brown hair and amazing blue eyes yet?"

Oh, so Brooklyn likes Four? She typically does not care about what people look like. She especially would not know about their eye color if she did not like them.

"Yes, the tall male with a number for a name. Yeah, I meant him. He seems..., brutish."

Brooklyn playfully punches my arm. "Don't be mean, you don't know him."

"Yeah but by looks of it, it seems like you don't know much about him either." I point to Four who now has his arm around a girl. "You know, like the fact that he might be taken."

Brooklyn quickly finds Four with her eyes then glares at the strange girl under his arm.

The blonde girl with Four looks like she will murder Brooklyn in two seconds if she comes near her man.

I leave Brooklyn to her death staring.

I don't know what I am doing or where I am going. I am just aimlessly walking around checking out the area we are in right now. I have a habit of looking at my feet when I am walking around, mainly because I am nervous about tripping over things on the ground. Due to me gazing down, I bump right inside someone.

"Watch where you are going." I thought about apologizing until this man made that comment.

"Why don't you? I was obviously staring at the ground making sure I didn't trip on something. What's your excuse?"

"Normal people look down, examine the floor then look up to make sure they don't walk into someone. You should practice that." Usually people being rude is a turn off yet, I still find him insanely attractive.

It is something about that mysterious look behind his green eyes. He is hiding something deep. I want to get to know him.

"I don't even know your name, are you usually this rude to people you don't know?"

"Well sweetheart, if it makes you feel better about being called out on your stupidity, my name is Peter." Peter crosses his arms.

"My name is Maylyn, not sweetheart. Try to remember that." I mockingly cross my arms. Peter glares at me then his expression completely changes.

He smiles, "You know what? I like you. How about you hangout with me for a little bit? We can figure out together why we are both quick to judge each other."

I am intrigued. Something about this man is drawing me in. I think I will take him up on his offer.

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