Chapter 9

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Maylyn's POV-

"Brooklyn!" I shout as I run up to her and immediately take my shirt off to use to control her bleeding head wound. "Brooklyn, keep your eyes up. Brooklyn!"

I look around and see Eric and Four not moving to come assist. Eric is too busy staring at me without a shirt on, Four just looks frozen in shock. "Will somebody help?" I shout.

Four and Tris rush up to help aid Brooklyn.

"Four, help me get her to the infirmary. Grab her upper half, I will grab her legs." Tris instructs her boyfriend.

Four nods but says nothing. I can tell he is extremely worried by his facial expressions. As they lift Brooklyn off the ground I make sure to hold a good amount of pressure on her head laceration.

"Where do you think you are going, Maylyn?" Eric's voice cuts through the silence.

I bit back my initial response of telling him to shove it. "I am helping my sister."

"No, you are staying here. You still have to fight just because your sister was dumb enough to get a head injury doesn't mean you are excused from fighting."

"Excuse me?" I lock glares with Eric. His gray eyes are stone cold.

"Sit down. You are not going anywhere until you have your fight."

"It's okay Maylyn, I did this. I will help them and make sure she is safe, okay? I'm sorry this happened." Hunter cautiously removes my hand from the blood soaked t-shirt and quickly replaces it with his. "Let's go, quickly."

I grit my teeth and cross my arms. With my eyes still locked with Eric's, I go and sit next to Peter.

I loathe Eric.

"Here," Peter takes his shirt off and hands it to me. If the circumstances were different I would take the time to examine his toned body.

I do not move to grab the shirt and continue crossing my arms across my chest. "Why didn't you help?"

"I'm sorry May. I have never seen that much blood before, I didn't know what to do. I have never felt that way before." I look at Peter's facial expressions and determine he is being sincere.

I take the shirt with a thank you and slide it on. Peter slides his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

"No but I will be when I see that Brooklyn is fine." Peter nods and holds me a little tighter.

I am not one to cry but this situation is so frustrating that all I want to do is, is bawl my eyes out.

Brooklyn is resilient, she will be fine. At least, that is what I keep telling myself.

My leg bounces with anxiety as I wait until I am called to fight. Now more than ever, I do not want to cause another human being pain. Watching my sister go to the infirmary, I cannot fathom doing the same to someone else.

I turn and face Peter to avoid the fights taking place, this is all too much right now. Peter puts both arms around me and I rapidly blink my eyes to keep from tearing up.

"She will be okay, you will be okay." Peter whispers in my ear. "Clear your mind of everything that happened. All you have to do right now is fight and then the second you win, you can go check on Brooklyn."

I appreciate Peter, I do not know what I would do without him right now. He is very sweet.

"Maylyn and Faith, on the mat." Eric calls out.

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