Chapter 4

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Brooklyn's POV-

Who is that girl with Four? She is so pretty, I am jealous of her gorgeous blond hair. I wish my blonde hair would shine like hers. I still like Four will like me better. That is narcissistic of my to say but I have to have confidence if I want to steal him from her. First step, learn her name. Last step, destroy her and take her man.

I approach the couple, "Hey Four, do you know when we'll get this show on the road? We have all been standing here for quite sometime."

"We never know. Some years, this is the quickest part. Others, not so much. The last person jumps has to jump for us to move on and they haven't yet." Four states matter of factly.

"Well, that's stupid. If you are joining Dauntless you should know that you will have to do dangerous, exciting new things. You should be open to doing everything. Can't someone just push them off?"

Four and the girl laugh. Ah, that reminds me.

"I'm being rude, my name is Brooke, who are you?" I extend my hand out to the girl that is latched onto Four.

"This is Tris, my girlfriend. She was also the first jumper of her year." Damn, we have too much in common. Blonde hair, grayish-blue eyes, and a strong liking of Four. Hmm.

Tris shakes my hand and smiles. I decide it's time to gruel her a little bit more.

"So Tris, what faction are you originally from? I kind of get this vibe that Dauntless isn't your original faction like it isn't mine."

"Good observation. I'm originally from Abnegation. You actually came from the same faction that my brother is in."

Oh shit.

"Who is your brother? My sister and I might know him."

"Caleb Prior." Double shit.

"Oh, uh, cool." I need to exit.

Four asks shooting me a curious look. "What?"

"He dated my sister...," I look at the floor. I should just walk away.

Maylyn dating Caleb was yet another irritating reason that my parents loved Maylyn more than me. She fell in love with an Erudite man. They thought for certain that she would stay with them forever.

"What is wrong about that?" Tris's expression turns full-on defensive mode.

"Nothing!" That is a lie. "Well, actually he devastated my sister when he rudely broke things off with her and I sort of, kind of broke his jaw because of it."

Tris's mouth drops open for a second before she snaps it shut. "My brother..., Caleb? He did that?"

"Yeah, Caleb did and he refuses to tell her his reasoning. I'm almost certain she would have stayed in Erudite if they didn't have such a abrupt break up."

We may have known since we were kids that we wanted to leave but love is blinding. I'm almost glad he broke it off because now I have my twin with me. This is certainly a selfish reasoning but that's why I knew I would never join Abnegation.

Both, Four and Tris's, eyebrows shoot up at me stating Maylyn almost didn't come to Dauntless. Maybe I shouldn't have said that... Oops.

"Well, I'm sorry he did that to her." Tris states.

So maybe Tris isn't that bad. I could see us being friends. Too bad I still want her boyfriend.

A watch one of the leaders walk pass Four motioning for him to hurry up and follow.

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