Chapter 26

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Zeke's POV-

*An hour after the announcing of the new members.*

I grab Maylyn's retreating shoulder. "May, can we talk now?"

"Yeah, of course." May smiles so gorgeously. Too bad it will disappear in a few seconds.

"The situation with Erudite is a go." I blurt.

Her beautiful features distort instantly. Told ya. "What? No, that isn't suppose to happen for at least another week. We were suppose to come up with the plan today."

"We were wrong and now, we are out of time." I see a grimace cross Maylyn's face.

After a long pause Maylyn talks. "Well, what do we do?"

"I don't know, we are just the spies. We are suppose to receive the information and then I report it."

"Who are you reporting too?"

"Four." I dismissively mess with my fingers.

"Why are you lying?" May points out and grabs my hands.

"What are you talking about?" I know all too well what Maylyn is referring to.

"You aren't relaying information to Four. You and I both know that. Now, who is it?"

I sigh. She is right, I haven't been reporting to Four. He doesn't even know. "Telling you will get you killed."

"This compound will get me killed." May snaps. "Who is it?"

"You don't know them." Maylyn rips her hands away and folds them across her chest.

"Zeke, quit with the bullshit. I can handle it."

"The group is outing the Divergent."

"And? We already knew that."

"The newest members are taking the fear landscape tomorrow, i.e. you, for the Erudite to keep up on their 'stats'. After the landscape, they will administer a tracker into your neck. They will say it is because they want to keep spies and traitors to a minimum. That's not the reason at all and you know that. They already-"

"Stop." Maylyn looks ready to throw up. "If they are no matter what giving the trackers out, why does it matter? You can't tell them no. They will kill you right then."

"You will be fine if you follow everything going on around you."

"What you're saying is, they aren't just trackers, they are manipulators?" Maylyn has a keen sense of picking through what I say to find the underlying truth.

"More commonly known as a simulator. May, I can't do anything now but I promise I'll keep you safe."

Worry etches her soft face. "Zeke, what are you talking about?"

"You aren't Divergent but Brooke is, if she makes any obvious signs to that fact, they will shoot her down instantly."

"How could you protect me if you're under the simulation too?"

"They already gave it to the rest of the compound minus the leaders and the spies."

Maylyn looks at me like I'm stupid. "But I'm a spy."

"Now but when they decided who not to give the trackers to, you were an initiative that not a lot of people thought would make it."

"Thanks." She replies discouraged.

"May, you made it. Didn't you?"

Maylyn whispers. "Barely."

I grab her shoulders and lift her chin up. "But you made it."

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