Chapter 7

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Maylyn's POV-

I want to stand up and cheer when Four finally leaves me alone but I am not allowed to. The doctor helping me with my wounds is currently assessing my hand to see what can of damage I did to it.

"Could you get me ice for my head?" I ask the doctor, he nods yes, and quickly walks away.

"Wow, look at you. He did a number on you. Tell me, are you always that suicidal?" Peter walks up to the end of the bed.

I am a little shocked he actually came and saw me.

"Suicidal, no. Not letting an asshole walk all over me, now that is something you can accuse me of." Peter laughs and comes closer to inspect my injuries.

"I'm glad your sister didn't hurt me that much." He touches the back of my hand where is swollen and forming bruises. I can tell he is barely applying pressure but it hurts so bad.

"Stop." I jerk my hand towards my chest. "Stop touching my hand. That hurts."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I didn't think I was touching you hard enough to hurt you. I'm so sorry."

"No, no you are fine, I get it. Seriously, it is okay. My hand is just tender."

Peter gently grabs my wrist and brings my hand up to his lips and kisses it. "Well hopefully it heals quickly."

Seriously, he is literally the cutest.


"Good job at about killing yourself." I am cut off by this random voice. When the person gets close enough to me I see that it is Zeke.

I roll my eyes at him and instantly regret it when my right eye begins to sting. "I knew what I was doing."

"No, you didn't." Zeke raises his voice.

Whoa, what is his problem?

"And how could you possibly know that?"

"It was quite obvious by your lack of fighting skills."

"Dude, you better back up and watch your tone of voice with her." Peter puts his hand on Zeke's chest to push him backwards but Zeke quickly swats it away.

"Dude, you better back up and watch your tone of voice with me." Zeke looks very intimidating right now. I know I wouldn't be in his face like Peter is right now.

"What is your problem?" I ask Zeke.

"I need to talk to you in private." Zeke states and stares at me.

"Peter, can we catch up later?" Peter snaps his attention towards me and at first he looks upset but he quickly masks it with a smile.

"Sure thing, sweetheart." Peter leans down and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you later, Maylyn."

Zeke waits until Peter is completely gone then sits on the edge of my bed.

"You know, I am trying to be nice but messing with Four isn't smart."

"Why do you care?"

"Look, you are new here and I have known Four for a while now. You don't want to be on his bad side. I can see it in you that you belong here but if you keep challenging the leaders, one of them will kill you."

I hear the sound of the wheels on a cart coming closer. When I finally can turn my head far enough I see the doctor has come back with a lot more than just ice.

"Okay Maylyn, let's get you patched up and out of here." The doctor hands me the ice pack and begins grabbing gauze. "Would you like him to stay?"

"Do you mind if we finish this lecture later?"

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