Chapter 29

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Eric's POV-

What am I doing? I can't like Maylyn. She is a newbie, Erudite transfer.

She sounds a lot like me, mouthy, rude, and sometimes intimidating.

No, Maylyn is stupid and a blabber mouth. I straighten up after being hunched over, thanks to her kick. Little bitch.

Maylyn doesn't like me back, why do I care though? It is a lost cause, much like Four. I steadily walk my way back to the top floor. Injecting powerful simulators into the initiates after they become new members should take my mind off of her. Plus, if she is Divergent, tomorrow she will be dead. One can hope for that to happen.

Brooklyn's POV-

"Where is May?" I question Eric, once he walks through the door without her.

Eric brushes me off. "Who cares?"

"How about her sister?" I say defensively.

"Give up the supportive sister shit." Eric faces me. "We can all hope she fell into the Chasm."

"Excuse me, what did you do to her?"

"I didn't do anything. Now, get back in line before I kick you and your slutty sister out of my compound." He did not call my sister a slut! I can feel anger radiating off of me. Before I can think rationally, I high kick Eric in the mouth and nose. I can feel the force behind the kick and see the blood flowing from Eric's nose.

"Fucking bitch!" Eric shouts, gathering everyone's attention.

"Brooklyn?" I hear Four call out.

"Eric, compose yourself. You are a leader, not an initiate." Max scrutinizes.

"Give me a minute." Eric walks down from the top floor. I'm assuming that he is going to the nurse. I can't help the smile that grows on my face.

Max grips my upper arm. "And Brooklyn, since you so kindly kicked the leader in the face, you can go first for the landscape. Get to it." I gulp.

Fuck, so much for talking to May about her latter comment. The leader, with more say over the compound, walks me to the front of the line. At least Eric got his face smashed in. Max quickly injects the needle of clear liquid into my neck without saying another word. The room fills with my first fear, clowns.

Maylyn's POV-

*A Day Later*

I finally get to my feet, pain flares throughout my leg. I hobble my way to the closest building. I try not to look around because bodies are strewn on the ground, many ridden with bullet wounds. I try the door but it is locked. Without much thinking about the consequences, I kick in the door. I sorely regret it but power through anyways. I shove my way in the house and slowly make my way around looking for something that would help my leg.

"What are you doing here?" I immediately freeze and slowly turn around.

There is a little child standing alert in front of me. He can't be older then six. His hair is black, he has crystal blue eyes, and olive skin. He reminds me a lot of Zeke.

"Hey, I'm Maylyn. Who are you?" I speak softly.

"Michael." That is definitely an Abnegation name.

"Ok Michael. I swear, I will not hurt you, I just need help." I quickly speak and motion down those my leg. "As you can see my leg is covered in blood and I'm in a lot of pain. My cheek is also bloody, do you know where a first aid kit is?" The little kid points at the stairs. "Can you show me the way?" I ask. Michael quickly nods his head and takes off running up the stairs. I slowly limp up the stairs. Once I reach the last step, Michael leads me to the bathroom. "You don't speak much, do you?"

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