Chapter 12

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Maylyn's POV-

Eric drags me outside of the compound. I can tell he is fuming. However, I do not care. Eric is malicious and I refuse to put up with it. He cannot treat his members like this.

I already know I am going to have claw marks in my shoulder due to Eric gripping me so tightly.

"What is the point of this?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Leave my compound."


Eric gets right up in my face. "You need to leave."

"Not a chance. I am not intimidated by you." I sternly stare into his hateful eyes.

Eric shoves me up against the compound wall. Eric grabs my throat and lifts me off my feet. I instantly wrap my hands around his hand to make it to where he cannot choke me out.

"I'm the Dauntless leader, I remind you. You will obey by my rules, not your own. So, next time you feel like challenging me. Think again, sweetheart because I will make you suffer for it. Understood?" He finally lets go of me, I focus on catching my breath.

I do not say anything back to him until he punches me in the gut.

"Was that necessary?" I spat out.

"I asked you a question." Eric stares me down, I make direct eye contact, and he instantly back hands me hard enough to result in me hitting the ground. "You are beneath me, you do not get to look me in the eye."

"I am not beneath you. Making eye contact is a sign of respect, it shows you have my attention. Stop being a ruthless dictator and you might actually learn a thing or two from me." I maintain eye contact with Eric the whole time and manage to sit up.

Eric squats down to be at eye level and quickly latches onto my throat. "There is nothing of importance that I could learn from an initiate who is going to end up factionless. Make eye contact with those people Maylyn, see who kills you first."

With that Eric releases my throat, stands up, and starts walking away from me.

"You are a coward!" I shout without thinking, almost instinctively cringing at my actions.

"Excuse me?" Eric snaps his attention back to me. "What did you just say to me?"

I gulp, "You are a being a coward. I know you like me. You are punishing me instead of accepting it. You know it would be a weakness if anyone found out."

"Why would I like a pathetic, disgraceful initiate like you? If I were to like an initiate, your twin would be a better choice. At least she is Dauntless material." I bite back my hate of being compared to my twin.

"You are deflecting." I stand up and dust off my jeans. "I knew from the hug that you like me. If you are not afraid, why not admit it?"

"You don't know shit about me, Maylyn. You need to quit with this nonsense."

"Make me," I challenge Eric and watch as his fist balls up. "I will not bow down to a coward. Admit to it and just maybe, you will walk away from this conversation as a better person."

Much to my surprise, Eric grabs both sides of my face and kisses me.

"Happy now?" He abruptly pulls away from me and slams his knee into my stomach causing me to double over. "If you tell anyone, I will kill you."

Eric proceeds to walk away, leaving me to catch my breath. I can say more but I think I have done enough for today. I do not think my body can handle anymore of his hits.

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