Chapter 13

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Brooklyn's POV-

*The Next Day*

Today is the day I have been so excited for. We are doing the fear landscape today. I may be a bit mangled today but I don't care. Nothing is going to stop me. While it may seem crazy that I am excited for today's activities, it's not all that absurd. Like come on! I get to know what I truly fear and face it head on.

I slowly get out of the hospital bed. The cast on my leg hits the ground making a loud sound in such a quiet room. I almost apologize feeling like I have done something wrong but I catch myself. I start hobbling my way to the bunk room. I pass by the training room and note that no one is in there yet. I continue my slow venture to the dormitory.

"Hey Brooke!" I turn around and see Four quickly approaching me. "How are you?"

"I'm good, sore but okay. How are you?" I lock gazes with Four's pretty blue eyes.

"I'm okay, actually I wanted to talk to you." Four darts his eyes away from me for a moment to back to me. "I just wanted to see if you would want to hangout tonight? I know I was rude last time towards the end but I can make it up to you this time."

"I would love that." I say without hesitation.

"Alright, I'll find you after the fear landscapes then." Four brings to walk away from me as something clicks in my brain.

"Wait, Four." He swivels himself back around, "Where do I go for that? I would just wander until I found it but this cast is weighing me down."

"I'll show you." Four smiles as he wraps his arm around my waist to help me walk to the fear landscape.


The ranking board is off to the side of the room. This time instead of having it say who is against who, all of our names are listed solely with our rankings listed first.

1 - Brooke (Dauntless Transfer)
2 - Hunter (Dauntless-Born)
3 - Peter (Dauntless Transfer)
4 - Evan (Dauntless-Born)
5 - Jackie (Dauntless-Born)
6 - Garrett (Dauntless Transfer)
7 - Miles (Dauntless Transfer)
8 - Mary (Dauntless-Born)
9 - Maylyn (Dauntless Transfer)
10 - Hale (Dauntless-Born)
11 - Zac (Dauntless Transfer)
12 - Rose (Dauntless Transfer)

"Alright initiates, today is the last day of initiation." Eric announces, this elicits a few cheers. "However, only ten of you will be making it through. Do well in the fear landscape and you can change your position on the board. The two who do the worst paired with their previous scores, will be leaving my compound."

Four is standing beside Eric in front of all of us. I notice a sly eye roll from Four when Eric says my compound.

"Your score today will be based off of the time it takes for you to complete the entire simulation. Remember either face it head on and figure out how to escape. Or focus on lowering your heartbeat by slow down your breathing." Four states with his arms crossed. "I think that about covers it. We are taking the Dauntless-born first, Hunter and Evan, you ranked the highest amongst the other Dauntless-born initiates so follow me." 

I think I will do well today. Facing a fear can't be that hard especially when I don't fear much.

The initiates gather around the TV screens to watch Hunter and Evan go through their fear simulations. My eyes fart back and forth between the two screens. Hunter keeps tripping on something and is bawling, it is only his first fear. Evan however looks like he is fighting something. The boring part about watch is you can't see what the person in the simulation is seeing. You can see their body moments, facial expressions, but that is it.

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