Pent-up Feelings

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"Where are we going?"

"There's an empty parking lot a few miles away..."

"Well, at this time, even in the middle of the road, we'd be alone..."

"I won't murder u, Sandra, I just want us to be somewhere we can talk without distractions... I won't keep u long!"

"Please, don't, otherwise I'm sleeping at the back!"

"I wouldn't mind that"

"I would..." I say and he exhales from his nose, without saying anything


"Ok, so, u wanted to talk, let's talk!" he says as we take our seatbelts off when he parks, and I turn my body to him

"Mr. Maddox, I'm-" I start but he cuts me

"For fuck's sake, Sandra, we had our tongues in each other's throats last night, u can call me Ian!"

"Ok, Ian, I'm sorry for the way I talked on the message, I was just pissed from something that happened before and when Fred told me u weren't coming tonight without a valid reason, I snapped..."

"It's ok, u were right to say that, I indeed didn't come because of our...make-out session! I thought things would be awkward and I didn't want to put u in that position, so I decided to leave it for another time..."

"The best for me would be to just let it go, but I like my job and it's good money, u're a decent boss and I really want to gather some money, so I don't want us to be awkward because it might end up with me quitting...I don't even know what to say, I just wanted to clear the air so we can work without problems!"

"I appreciate your professionalism and thank u for being so rational... Truth is I wanted to talk to!"

"Can u start then? Because I'm really tired to think..."

"Sure! I wanted to say that it's the first time I break this kind of boundaries with an employee, usually if I feel attracted to a woman in any way, I don't hire them! But I didn't think I'd be attracted to u when I hired u, especially because u're so much younger!"

"U're attracted to me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I don't run around kissing women, Sandra!"

"Right! it's just...weird!"


"Because, look at u! I mean, I'm sure u have women lining up to get even a glance from u!"

"So? U're beautiful, intelligent, funny...why do u feel like u have to compare yourself with other women?"

"I don't know, I usually don't! I'm very confident and sure about myself..."

"Then why don't u believe I'm attracted to u?"

"I don't know, Ian! U seem like an unreachable dream... Strict, serious, professional! Like u would line up all the women who want u and make them compete with each other so the best can win!" I say and he chuckles.
Jeez, that sound goes deep into my core, making me wanna moan

"That's only the way I choose my employees, Sandra!"


"Look, u're a big girl and apparently very mature, so I'll be honest with u! If u hadn't stopped me last night, I would have probably taken u right there on the spot!" he says and I take a sharp breath

"U would?"

"Definitely! I don't know if this feeling had built up over the months, but after our dance, I felt so sexually attracted to u! I wanted to scream when u stopped our kiss, but I knew better than to do that"

"Ian..." I start but then I realize I don't know what to say

"I'm not expecting anything from u, I just wanted to be clear!"

"Ok, thanks for your honesty! Truth be told, I would have probably let u take me, but when I felt your hand on my ass and your crotch... Poking me... It became too real and I didn't want to come off as a girl who fucks her boss! I don't want u to think that I would ever do it to move up or to get special treatment from u!"

"Trust me, I know u wouldn't!"

"Well, ok, but I want to be clear! I understand that u're my boss and it's inappropriate to get involved with u... But now u told me u're attracted to me and that u would have probably fucked me against the wall and I feel confused!"

"Confused? Why?"

"Because I can't stop thinking about us fucking!" I admit looking down

"Sandra, look at me..." he says but I shake my head no

"Look at me!" he insists gently, putting his index under my chin and I raise my eyes at him hesitantly

"I don't expect sex from u in exchange for anything, and it's clear u don't either. We're both sexually active adults, who know our place and our intentions. U already have that cop for casual sex, I currently don't have a relationship, so, if we both can't stop thinking about it, why not make it happen? Pent-up feelings aren't nice, Sandra" he says looking me in the eyes

"I can't argue with that..." I say, starting to breathe heavily. he smiles and rests his back on his seat, looking at me like he's saying "hop on". I immediately accept the invitation and straddle him

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